Na'vi Lessons

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*Italics= Na'vi Language or Jake's Narration of the Story

Y/n's POV:

I woke up early and stretched peacefully after my wonderful night's sleep. I turned over in my hammock to see Jake was still sleeping. I sighed in annoyance that it all wasn't a dream. Now I was stuck babysitting him instead of having the freedom I once had, even with all my classes and teachings. From what I saw last night, he was going to be tough to teach. I know I was once so open to having the Sky People around, but after everything, I knew I needed to keep myself guarded. I wasn't going to let him charming ways have any pull over me. Even though he was quite possibly the most handsome Na'vi I'd ever seen, even if he wasn't born a natural one...

"Well, good morning, princess." Jake smirked as his eyes opened. "Can't keep your eyes off me can you?"

"You're insufferable." I rolled my eyes and climbed out of my hammock. "Come. We have much to do."

I easily climbed up to the branch above my bed and looked down at Jake who appeared to be struggling. I sighed and mumbled under my breath, reaching my hand down towards him. After helping him up, we had breakfast and I went to grab two Direhorses. When I came back Jake was playing with the Omaticaya children and it warmed my heart. I quickly shook the feeling away and then together we went down to the fields where the Direhorse's grazed. I knew I needed to teach him first about the Tsaheylu, the bond. A most important connection to the Na'vi and the animals around us. Direhorse's were going to be the easiest of animals to teach Jake how to ride and bond with.

"Today you must learn to ride a direhorse." I explained as we watched the two Direhorses graze with their longs tongues into the flowers in the field. "Creating a bond between man and beast. It allows you to become one."

"Well, that's gonna be a piece of cake, right?" Jake asked, standing beside me.

"Hmm, for me. Yes. For you? We'll see." I put my nose in the air and walked to the creature. "Hello, Pa'ley. I have a new friend for you to meet." I whispered to her. The direhorse looked up at me and cautiously stood still as Jake approached.

Jake watched amused at how I interacted with the creature and when I turned to look at him he gave me a confused look. I gestured for him to go ahead. This should be fun if he thinks it's so easy.

"Easy, boy." Jake said gently as he tried to approach the direhorse. He gave me a questioning look.

"Pa'ley is female." I informed him. One of her antennae wacked Jake in the back as he walked around her head. "Easy, girl." I assured her gently. My hand touched her snout and I could feel my connection to her.

"Easy, girl." Jake said softly.

He made it to her side and eye'd me again, but I gave him no further instruction. Jake sighed and lifted his hands onto her back and tried to pull himself up. He struggled for a moment, but quickly sat up straight. Pa'ley let out a snort, feeling this stranger's weight on her back. I held the lead on her snout and rubbed her nose gently to calm her.

"It's all right, Pa'ley. It's all right. Easy, girl. Easy." I hushed her gently and grabbed her antennae, handing it to Jake. The Queue appeared from the end of the antennae and Jake looked at it nervously. "You must join yours with her's."

Jake grabbed at his braid behind him, pulling it forward and seeing his own Queue. He brought it forward and the queues linked together. Pa'ley's eye's widened as the bond was formed and she jolted uneasily. I kept a firm grasp on her lead and steadied her. Jake looked down at me with his eyes wide. I knew he was seeing through his own eyes and Pa'ley's.

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