The Sully's

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Italics= Jake's internal monologue + Na'vi speak.

    "The forests of Pandora; hold many dangers. But the most dangerous thing about Pandora; is that you can grow to love her too much."

    Peace. That's what I felt. The dirt on the ground, softly pushing into the soles of my feet as I ran through the forest. The sounds of creatures chittering and yipping in the distance was calming. My heart beat was at a steady strum. My hand wrapped tightly around my father's bow, now mine. Prepared to release an arrow into my hunt.

    I took a low but deep breathe and pulled back on my bow. My protruding belly, swollen and tightening as I tried to take aim. I rolled my eyes frustrated slightly as I wasn't able to aim as quickly or as well as I wanted too.

I let out another deep breath calming myself, and lifting my bow and trying again. Letting my aim be true and striking down my kill. I gasped slightly and breathed out as I ran towards the dying animal. Pulling my knife from my side. Thanking my Mother for the feast that Jake and I would have tonight and thanking the animal for allowing us to fill our bellies. Releasing his spirit back to the All Mother and freeing myself from the tightening in my chest.

    I grabbed the Yerik and pulled it back to the village. Continuing to enjoy the peace that surrounded me.

    "Y/n!" Neytiri's voice screamed out angrily at me and I simply rolled my eyes and kept pulling in my kill. My sister ran up towards me, a frown sitting upon her face. "Jake's been worried sick! He is out looking for you! I was worried sick! You're not supposed to be leaving the village." She scolded.

    "I am fine, sister." I stated with a small scoff. There was a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I let out a small hiss of air and letting go of my kill, to place a hand on my lower belly. Neytiri's anger quickly diminished to one of concern.

    "Are you okay? How's the baby?" She asked quickly and I hissed at her, brushing her away from me.

    "Fine." I breathed through the pain until it subsided. "We are both just fine. Thank you for your concern, sister, but we are fine."

    "Yeah, yeah. Of course you are." Neytiri swatted at my hands as I tried to reach for the Yerik giving me a satisfied look. I rolled my eyes and followed her the rest of the way back.

    As we entered the village, Omaticayan's stared and bowed as we passed by them. Some in respect, other's gave looks of worry, and other's looks of what was to come. My earthly Mother, Mo'at stood with her arms across her chest and a raised brow at the two of us as we came closer. I huffed in annoyance but kept my head down as to not meet my Mother's eye.

    "And just where have you been?" Mother asked in a soft and yet demanding tone.

    "I was hunting." I answered without looking up at her.

I heard Mother sigh and she stepped forward, reaching a hand down towards my belly and another towards my chin. Forcing me to look up at her. I looked into her eyes and let out a small gulp.

    "You are continuing to be reckless and this little one is due any day now. You are not to leave the village, you know this. You risk giving birth in the forest alone. You fail to realize this, no matter how many times I say it." She scolded harshly.

    "I may be pregnant but I am not useless!" I groaned in annoyance, hearing the same lecture as always. "I know my body. I know me and my strengths. I would be able to make it back if something had happened. But that something did not. So I am fine as always."

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