Attack On The Rail Train

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The war has been very hard on our family. Many things have changed. We are on constant high alert. The RDA was building much faster than it had the first time they came. Within the span of a year, their size was tripled compared to before. We had orchestrated many raids trying to destroy and keep them at bay from exploiting Pandora once again. But no matter what we did, what fight we brought to them. They always seemed to bounce right back again. New ships were constantly landing, bringing more people and more supplies to rebuild what we broke.

Jake had changed. He was less open and vulnerable than he had become, specially when it came to our children. I could see through it, as he was scared everyday that something bad would happen to one of us. He held much guilt as I did for not being more worried or proactive about my dreams. Jake was much stricter on each of our children, becoming less kind. More like a Drill Sargent than a father. I always tried to intervene when he was being too harsh. But I also had to let Jake parent and not undermine him, specially in front of our children.

Today we all had awoken in our hidden cave in the Hallelujah Mountains and prepared for another strategic attack. We knew the supply train was going to be coming through and our plan was to attack it and to take their supplies for our own. The biggest goal of all was to damage their rail system to try and weaken them.

"Kiri, I need you to keep an eye on Tuk." I asked of my daughter and I readied my bow and arrows to Kai'ora's saddle.

"Mama, don't go." Tuk begged as she clung to my leg.

"Tuk. Mom has to go. She'll be back." Kiri stated softly as she moved forward to remove the small child from me.

I bent down with a small smile on my face and ran my hand over her little cheek which she gladly leaned into.

"She is right. I will return. Take care of each other and do not cause to much trouble for your grandmother." I stated giving them each a firm look. Kiri nodded her head and moved forward, allowing me to embrace my girls.

"But Dad!" Lo'ak's voice carried through the air.

The three of us stood up and looked to our side, seeing Jake coming towards us, with Neteyam and Lo'ak following closely behind him.

"We can help. Just let us come. Let us prove it to you." Lo'ak tried to convince him.

"I said no. It's not safe for you out there. I need you here." Jake stated looking between his son's.

"I am ready for this." Neteyam stated firmly, puffing out his chest in trying to show his father that even though he was 15 now. He wasn't the small child that Jake saw them as. "We can just be spotter's, and we'll keep a distance. I'll watch Lo'ak. Please, Dad." Neteyam bargained while looking at his father, seeming so much older than he was.
Jake let out a loud sigh and turned to look at me. Asking for an answer. I looked back and gave him a look that stated it was up to him. There was other Na'vi's out there alongside us that weren't much older than our boys. And our boys had already gone through the right of passage or Iknimaya to becoming Ikran riders.

"Fine." Jake huffed and pointed a finger at both boy's. "You're spotter's from a distance. That is all. Should we come under attack, and we likely will. You get out of there. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir." Lo'ak and Neteyam stated standing tall like soldiers.

"Be safe." I told them both as they approached with proud looks upon their faces.

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