Jake Sully

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*Italics= Na'vi Language or Jake's Narration of the story.


22 year old, Jake Sully was summoned upon by the RDA, to inform him of his Twin Brother's passing on earth after being killed by a mugger. They offered him a position, taking his brothers place to go to Pandora, a world he had grown up hearing about. Taking the rare opportunity, he boarded the ISV Venture Star ship and for nearly six years he was in a cryogenic sleep.

"When I was lying there in the VA Hospital, with a big hole blown through the middle of my life. I started having these dreams of flying and a girl. I was free and she was beautiful. I desperately wanted it all to be real, but sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up."

Jake opened his eyes and found himself still inside a large tube.

"In Cyro, you don't dream at all. It doesn't feel like six years. More like a fifth of Tequila and an ass-kicking."

The Cryo chamber opened up slowly, bringing Jake Sully out, making his body levitate due to the lack of Gravity.

"Tommy was the scientist, not me. He was the one who wanted to get shot light years out into space to find the answers."

A body floated above his own, they were wearing scrubs and began checking him over.

"Are we there yet?" Jake asked curiously.

"Yeah, we're there, sunshine." The doctor smiled down at him. "We're there."

In a flashback, Jake came to remember how he had gotten himself into this position.

"It's about your brother." The first agent said. The Cororner pulled back the zipper on a black body bag, revealing Tommy Sully, Jake's identical twin brother. His body was pale, cold and still, inside the box awaiting identification and cremation.

"So, a week before Tommy's gonna ship out, guy with a gun ends his journey for the paper in his wallet." Jake narrated.

The cardboard box was closed after his body was covered back up.

"You've been in Cryo for Five years, nine months and 22 days." The Doctor shouted, floating around in the zero gravity, helping patients from their Cryogenic containers. "You will be hungry. You will be weak. If you feel nauseous, please use the sacks." The man pleaded.

Jake floated away from his chamber and up to the locker that said T. Sully on the outside of it.

"Yeah, Tommy was the scientist. Me, I'm just another dumb grunt going someplace he's gonna regret. Up ahead was Pandora. You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured i'd be going there."

"Your brother represented a significant investment. We'd like to talk to you about taking over his contract." The second agent in the flash back relayed to Jake.

"And since your genome is identical to his, you could step into his shoes, so to speak." The first agent fixed his wording realizing it was insensitive as Jake was watching the coroner load the box into the cremation chamber.

"It'd be a fresh start on a new world." Agent Two explained trying to rope him in.

"And the pay is good." Agent One grinned, looking at Jake, a man who was a war veteran, stuck in a wheel chair due to his spinal injury from the war. "Very good."

A large jet descended from the ship down onto the planet of Pandora. Carrying mainly newly recruited soldiers due to the loss of life sustained on Pandora that was occurring daily.

"Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exo-packs on! Let's go!" The Chief shouted to all the recruits.

"Exo-packs on! Let's go!" The assistant yelled after handing them out.

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