Happiness Vanishes

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Italics= Jake's monologue + Na'vi speak.
AN: The one thing I love about this movie is that they speak Na'vi but I don't have to have it italicized it anymore! Jake explains that he knows the language well enough now that it is basically English to him. So eventually the italics will stop, but just know they aren't technically speaking English.

This was what my life was meant to be thanks to my Mother. Happy, fulfilled and joyful, filled with love and laughter. Thanks to Ma Jake and our children. They are the only thing on my mind, they are what mattered most.

"Before I knew it, we had four. When we sent the Sky People back to earth, few of them stayed. Science guys, loyal to the Na'vi. And then there was Spider."

Just a human baby with bright blonde curls running through the science lab with nothing on but a diaper.

"Spider!" Some of the scientists called after him. Scooping up the small child in their arms. 

"He was just stuck here. To young for a cyrocapsule. Orphaned by the war, he was raised by the lab guys."

Norm was in one of the new trailer bases not far from our village. Preparing Spider to go out. But Spider was quick. He had on his exo-mask and rushed out the door.

"Spider... Spider, wait! Take the spare with you!" Norm yelled after the young boy. Holding a spare oxygen pack in his hands.

"I won't need it! I'm going to the village!" Spider called out behind him, not stopping his running feet as he trudged into the forest before him.

"He wasn't part of our family. He was like a stray cat that was just always around. He and our kids were inseparable."

Jake and I sat on the grassy bank of the river watching as our children played. His hand wrapped in mine. Without knowing I was squeezing Jake's hand a bit to tightly.

"I'd like to keep my hand if you don't mind." Jake chuckled and he lightly rubbed his numbing thumb over the top of my hand.

I quickly looked between us, as to not keep my protective eyes off my children for too long. Realizing I was squeezing his hand a bit too tightly.

"Sorry." I stated quickly and looked back at the kids.

Kiri and Spider were hissing at each other playfully. I frowned, especially as Spider grabbed ahold of Neteyam's tail. Hanging onto it tightly as they played. I felt Jake's chest press against my back, allowing the familiar tingling to echo through our skin. Usually he calmed me whenever he touched me, but every time Spider was around. I was always on edge.

Ever since the attack from the Sky People I had closed off my heart to anyone that was not my family. I trusted very few of the Sky People who had stayed behind as well, no matter how loyal they were. I could bare no more heartbreak. No more evil from such heartless creatures.

"But to Y/n he would always be a stranger; an alien. One of them."

"He belongs among his own kind." I stated with a small scowl along my face, watching as Spider continued to interact with my children. They all jumped into the river, piling on-top of one another.

Later that night, Spider went back to the scientists trailer and we were all up in our tree. Tuk hung around my legs, while Neteyam helped me cook our dinner. Jake watched as rain peacefully poured down from the skies. The peace never last too long though, as our children, Lo'ak and Kiri began to argue over a Toruk Macto toy that was made of colored fibers and bamboo.

"Let go. It's mine!" Lo'ak shouted at his sister.

"I had it first!" Kiri argued, pulling back on the toy.

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