Omaticayan Stronghold

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"We are not in Kansas anymore. We are going to Pandora." Quaritch recited to his crew from the Delta V that lingered closer and closer to Pandoran airspace. "Now, I know you're all askin' yourselves the same question... Why so blue?" Quaritch chuckled at his own pun and made the crew start to laugh with him. "For our sins in our past life, we have been brought back in the form of our enemy. That gives us their size, their strength, their speed. And with our training, that's a pretty potent mix."

"Do we have a mission yet?" Lyle Wainfleet asked of his commanding officer.

"Indeed we do. Our mission is to hunt down and kill the leader of the Na'vi insurgency. The one they call Toruk Macto. Jake Sully, as well as his wife Y/n Sully." Quaritch growled at the thought of the two.

"Yeah!" The crew members cheered and hollered raising their hands in the air.

"That's what it is." Wainfleet fist bumped another member.



"Attack, attack! Gotcha!" Tuk said as she played with a Toruk Macto toy that was now her own. Passed down through each of the children.

She played around in the Cave of the Hallelujah Mountains anxiously awaiting the return of her parents and her brothers. Kiri had given her the toy in an attempt to keep her busy and her thoughts off their parents. Tuk being the adventurous child she is, was running around all over the place.

"Tuk!" One of the scientists groaned, as she had pushed her way through their healing procedure. "Come on!"

"Hyah!" Tuk cheered getting farther away from.

Kiri was under one of the tents helping Spider put blue war paint on himself. Spider was much closer to Kiri than some the other Sully siblings. But if there was one Spider liked besides Kiri, it would be Lo'ak, though he saw each of the kids as his family.

"I'm definitely faster when I'm blue." He explained to her.

"Skawng." Kiri laughed.

"No, seriously." Spider told her. "And the animals respect me more. They don't think of me as human."

"Wait," Kiri mentioned moving in front of Spider. "You're human?"

"Ha-ha." Spider fakely laughed and flicked some of the paint at her.

She winced away and turned back to grin at Spider playfully, just when a conch horn began to blow. The sound echoed through their camp for Omaticayan people, signaling to everyone that the war party was returning. Tuk, heard the conch and then the ululating cry of her Father. When she looked up into the sky, Ikran's began flying over head and she grinned from ear to ear.

"They're coming!" She shouted excitedly. "They're coming!" She dodged the other excited Na'vi and ran back towards the tent where Kiri and Spider were play fighting with each other. "Kiri, Spider! The war party's coming back! Come on! Come on!" She shouted excitedly.

"Let's go, come on!" Kiri agreed, excited to see her parents again.

The three children ran towards the cliff side.


Kai'ora and I flew gracefully back into the camp stronghold, beside Jake and Neteyam. Lo'ak flying in shortly behind us. As soon as her feet touched the ground, I released our bond and I dismounted her. Neytiri was quick to follow after me. We nodded at each other and while I left to tend to my family, she left to help Mother with the wounded.

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