Chapter 7 - Changes

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I keep forgeting to this so I moze well now. I would like to thank all the people who are reading my story. We have achieved over 150 views and I'm so thankful, considering I didn't think I would have anyone reading this. Thankyou sooo sooo much. NATHEN LEE POLLII

Of course I didn't sleep last night. How could I, the person that I love #shhhdonttellanyone I basically told him to shut up and I feel terrible about it. If it wasn't for the darn red leaves which fall from the branches I might not be in this mess. My mother always said that over thinking kills happiness, I know that now... so I wait.

I waited and now Tyde's awake. I pretend that I'm still asleep and he starts talking to me.
"Tully, I didn't mean to hurt you. I wasn't thinking and I just got angry and really pissed off. I don't know what to say besides I'm sorry and that I love you!" WHAT! TYDE JUST SAID THAT HE LOVES ME. This is a big deal and before my brain even filters anything thing I blurt out.
"I love you too"
Tyde doesn't even say anything. He just lies back down beside me and wraps his arms around my torso. I flip my body around so that I'm facing him and I stuff my face into his chest, so much that I struggle to breath and pull back the tiniest bit. Right now all I want to be is around him.


OKAY, I think to myself. Last night while I was in bed I awoke to hear Tyde and Tully fighting, to now find them practically being each other's blankets while Tully cooks pancakes filled with blueberries and little white chocolate bits.
"Morning love birds" I say letting them know that I am here, and yes I do exist.
"TROYE!" Tully yells as she runs towards me with her arms wide open, just before she reaches me she slips and luckily I have the reflexes of a ninja to catch her. "How are you?" She questions
"Very good, thankyou. How about yourself?"
"Well the red leaves are falling... so you kno" she replies raising her eyebrows at me.
"You are so open" I respond
"Better that then closed" she begins to laugh and we all join in with her.

The pancakes have finished cooking and they are the best I have ever tasted.
"Whats on the agenda today" I ask to begin discussion.
"I have invited Tyde to go shopping with me for somethings to go inside of this bare home." Tully instantly answers with.
"Great! Question though"
"Fire away" she responds
"What is happening with you schooling?"
"Great question" she says "Our work experience lasts alot longer then other schools due to our school being very big on students future aspirations/careers. Mine would normally finish this week, but because the school knows that I'm doing a job for you they are giving me an extention and I only have to go to school twice a week, Monday and Friday, and then I have to catch up on the loss of work through homework. But they arn't giving me much because I'm flying through all of my schooling at the moment and I have applied for extra credit" phew that was alot to take in I thought.
"Sounds great"
"Oh my we best be off, today is going to be very busy" Tully informs me and Tyde of.
And like that they walked out of the jouse hand in hand, like all relationships should be. Now! Don't get me wrong I love Tully but if Tyde becomes a distraction at the job at hand I'm going to let her know about it.


Me and Tully have been shopping around for 2 hours now... surprisingly I have enjoyed myself, Tully found this beautiful piece of art which she is going to use. The rest she said she will get custom made by Australian Artist Mia Weston (go check her out she is amazing) I'm getting rather hungry and my belly starts to rumble
"Alright lets take a break" Tully says and kisses me on the cheek.

We are sitting down waiting for our Lunch to arrive. I ordered the Garfish with Aioli and thick cut chips, and Tully ordered the Sweet Potato and Quinao salad with a side of chips. We are talking about absolute nonsense and other unimportant things. When
"On a serious note just for a second" I say "We need to tell each other things and trust each other, so this relationship can last forever.
"Okay" Tully says rather shyly
"Lets start now by revealing something to each other" I offer
"You first" surprisingly Tully is up for it, I thought she would require some serious persuading... but now that I think of it she does love some good gossip.
"Okay, uhhh." Im trying to think of something that isnt, I dont know... worthless. "How about when I first met you, even though I thought you were beautiful, I thought you were going to be a snobby lil slut.
"Fun, yet oddly harsh" she replies. I wondered whether she would care or not but she didnt seem phased.
"You?" I question.
"OKAY, I'm on my period"
"Thats the best you can come up with?"
"Think about it, now you will know when and why I want to punch you all of a sudden"
"Ahh looking into the future... is see" I lean across the table and kiss her. She pretends to swing a punch at me and I just start laughing thay the whole Cafè is staring at me. I look over at Tully and she staring at her wrist. There was something far worse that she could of told me, but i'll leave it now. Hopefully how relationship grows that I will finally find out.


After leaving the Cafè and snooping around shops for another 2 hours we finally arrived back at Troye and Tyde's house. Troye was on the couch watching Once Upon A Time... could this day get any better I thought to myself.
"Mind if I join in?" I ask Troye
"Anything for my favourite half of #Tude" Troye is a creativity genius and should become a professional Ship Namer. Tyde has also joined us and we all watched Once upon a Time together, creating random ships like Captian Swan, SwanQueen and Rupelle.

After our 3 hour straight marathon of Once Upon a Time I looked up at the clock located in the kitchen, which I could just see through the arch way between the Rumpas room and Kithen and saw that the time was about 8:30. I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from mum
It read

MUM: Your uncle Hank just passed... Car crash

I instantly begin to cry.
"What happened?" Troye grabs me, but I refuse his hold at this moment.
"ANOTHER FUCKING CAR HAS KILLED ANOTHER FAMILY MEMBER" I'm screaming and shouting, acting like a four year old child. Why must it always be cars, why can't we just die from old age.
"Tully lets go to bed" Tyde tells me and this time I accept his grip and join him in his bed. My head is stuffed in his chest and my tears eventually drift me off to sleep. Our arms wrapped around each other.

Now I'm anxious to find out what happens haha and I'm the one writing the story.

Hope you all enjoyed this new addition. There will probably be a new one tomorrow


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