Chapter 14 - Glory and Gore

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Its new chapter time! So my life right now is amazing... Just like me. But aside from that, I really hope you enjoy this new chapter and I would love for some feedback. I'd like to thank Gpenguin99 for her on going support and interest in the story... Maybe one day your name will be up her as well!


After realising that I should stop squealing and basically having a meltdown on the ground, I decide it is probably best to open the door and invite Tyde inside! I am in shock, Tyde wasn't meant to be home for a little while and he is standing at my door. I grab the knob (😘) and slowly turn it, savouring the moment of Tyde's return.
"Hi" he says very subtly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I scream with glee, my excitement is overwhelming.
"Well I came to realisation that you missed me terribly and I decided to leave LA" what a smartass is all I can think besides thinking he looks outrageously smitty. Darn those hormones are getting to me. He looks hot, almost as good as I do.
"What is the real reason?" I question
"Honestly, I really missed you and your problems involving Luna sounded like you needed as much company as you could." He replies. This boy really understnads my feelings and he is just perfect, but not as perfect as me.
"Your so sweet, but truly you didn't need too!" Inside I am thanking all superiors that Tyde is here and I am so glad that he did chose to leave early and come see me?
"So where are you staying?" Obvious question "your parents?"
"Indeed" he bows and gives out a cheeky wink.
"Stop it!" I joke, slapping his arm.
"Never!" Once again winking.

OLLI'S POINT OF VIEW (remember him, from the last part at the airport?)

Meeting that Tyde was a hell of a time. Although it was only ten minutes, he seemed like a cool guy and definitely worth getting to know! My life has been great recently, but poor Luna, she was my closest friend, the one I could trust with everything and she may be dead soon. Luna and our friend Tully are the most popular and closest friend group goin' round! We are tight! That reminds me of Tully, the poor girl has witnessed so much for a teenager, from car crashes to... More car crashes. I decide to give her a call and see hows she's hanging in. *phone noises*
"HEY, Olli! What's happening?" Almost an instant pick up.
"Nothing really, just trying to clear my mind of Luna's Tragedy" you see I only found out about Luna yesterday, the day before I returned from Melbourne where I was spending time for a while.
"Same" the line goes silent for a few seconds until I try to break it
"So I wanted to ask if you'd like to hang brah!" Trying to act like a macho man!
"Sure thing Brah!" She replies "why don't you come on over to my place, my boyfriend is here and we were thinking of going to see Luna later."
"Great" I say with full enthusiasm, "I'll be right over"
I hang up the phone and prepare my self for the outing with Tully and her Boyf. I get changed into something much more decent and out of these baggy trackie dacks. I put on a shirt which is black on the top two thirds and white on the third, light blue skinny jeans, rolled just above my ankle to show my black socks and to finish due to the biting weather I throw on a bright Black and White flannel shirt. I walk down stairs impressed with my Sassy 💃 outfit and I walk down to the front door where all the shoes are located.
"I'll be back soon!" I yell out to my Uncle
"How long?" He shouts back
"When I know I'll text you" I hear him let out a laugh and I can't help but to join in, my parents being drunks and druggos he has been the best thing for me and I love him for it! I slip on my black vans and depart the home with Miley Cyrus blasting in my earholes. I look back at my home and smile, letting my long luscious locks blow in the wind.

As I swiftly stroll to Tully's house I have this slight excitement to be seeing her again and also to meet her boyfriend. Considering how long they have been going out for I hadn't even met him yet
"Ruuuudddeee" I quietly say aloud, sometimes I swear I must look like a Psycho Killer or a complete nutcase with imaginary friends. (Sorry to all the people I just offended then) I continue to walk listening to the music and making slight dance moves so It doesn't look obvious or anything.

I have arrived! I stand outside her front door and knock in our secret pattern. Shhhh.
Tully meets me at the door and in the corner of my eye I can see the guy I met in the airport today. Tyde I think his name was? Fancy that if he's the boyfriend. Tully invites me inside and introduces me to Tyde. We pretend to go along with it.
"Tyde you look familiar" I say joking around
"He's a really famous Youtuber" Tully sounds like she is almost bragging. Tyde pulls put his phone before replying and says,
"You too, did we meet at the airport this morning?" He lifts his phone and shows it to me, "could this potentially be your number?" Be both break down in laughter, the funniest part his Tully's absolute confusion on her face, priceless! Tears run down my face and laughing and crying at the same time. Although it probably doesn't seem that funny we just can't get over the look on Tully's face. And for a second I forget about Luna. I forget about every problem the world has thrown at me, and I'm happy.

Shortish chapter I know, soz BRAH! I was writing this late at night and I was going to add some more paragraphs but I thought this would be a good finish. I have two life morals at the current time, actually make that three and one of them is resembled in the finish of this part and that is... 'Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen'
The second being... 'ARGH people who arn't me'
And the last being... (Only my friends will understand this one)
'When a fly goes down three inches, a pussy's in trouble'

Anyway I hope all my readers have had a great week and that you continue to live your life happily and healthily. If healthily is even a word. Anyway go follow me on all the things BRAH!
Instagram - Nathen__lee (double underscore)
Twitter - NathenPolly
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Kindest of all regards... NATHEN LEE POLLII 🍍

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