Chapter 8 - Goodbyes

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Okay! Just a few things to bein with. WE HIT 252 READS WHOOOO. I am so happy and so proud. And I would like to thank all of you guys :)

Secondly, this chapter I asked my friend Gpenguin99 to write this chapter and thats what she has done, I gave her guidlines and I have done the last bits of editing. I hope yall enjoy


The last few days have been all but a blur, full of tears, mean and abusive words and pain. Just when I startes to think the things in my life are getting better. A thing called Life just comes back and says " hold up where do you think your going?!" Then pushing me back down, only this time I don't think it will be as easy to get back up. I'm crying again but this time I feel no pain as the blade tears apart my skin. This is the only way I know how to rid pain but I've done it so many times before that it just feels numb, almost as if my skin has become suseptable. I tear the blade across my skin a few more times, go to my bathroom to clean it up then settle down on my bed. I fall asleep hating myself, hating my life. The morning after I got the news about my uncle I woke to Tyde's arms wrapped around my waist and his body pressed up against mine, I let out a sad sigh knowing that I would break down in tears any moment, I carefully removed myself from the so very comfortable bed and made my way out of the house, I couldn't let Tyde see me like this I just had to get away, what of he thought I was weak? And that I couldn't handle myself? Tyde does not deserve this kind of torture, only I do. After the, what was supposed to be a 5 minute walk from Tyde and Troye's house to the train station it had turned out to become a 15 minute slow deepest shuffle of my feet but luckily when I arrived the train was already there and waiting, as if for me to depart. The train ride that lasted 30 or so minutes was just made up of me checking my phone, when I had got to the train station it was 7:50am, I had not recieved any messages from Tyde, as to be expected he normally doesn't wake up till around 9:00. Although that still didn't stop me from checking my phone every minute. The walk from the train station back to my place was lonely to say the least and very cold I didn't have time to properly dress this morning seeing that I was in a hurry and all, I just picked up a grey tank-top and a black leather jacket and some skinny jeans and some black flats all of which I had purchased the day before on my outing in with Tyde, while we got distracted from furniture shopping. I finally arrived home mostly, partly alive. I can't say that my fingers enjoy having frost bite, as I arrive the stairs that go up to my room are echoing something. I could hear a soft sobbing coming from my mum's room. Of course I go and see that she is okay or not but what I am confronted with breaks my heart, my mother is laying under the sheets of her bed crying her eyes out.
"Mum?" My voices comes out but a whisper. The crying stops suddenly as she looks up at me, she just stares at me. I take that time to take in her appearance, her normal radiant brown hair looks messy and in extreme need of a good wash, her eyes blood shot and puffy from all the tears, her face deadly pail. Her hands shaking as she wipes the remaining tears from her eyes.
"Tully? I-I thought you we-re still at Tyde's house?" She asks her voice cracking she speaks every last dying word.
"Yeah I was mum but I came home because we need to be together right now" I say as I make my way towards my mother's shaking body and wrap my arms around her when I settle in to the bed. "It's going to be okay mum, I have you, I love you" I say. We both fall asleep.


I wake to find that Tully has left, she left no note as to where or why she left which pains me but pains me more that she didn't stay. I climb out from my bed and decide to text Tully I press send and read over what I just sent.
"Hey Tully, just woke up to find you not here next to me. I hope everything's alright and that you got home safely, I am so very sorry to hear about your uncle if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. I Love You ♥ ~Tyde"
After what's seems life a life time Tully finally gets back to me but what I read made me wish she hadn't. "Tyde I'm sorry that I left without telling you this morning, thank you for your concern but Tyde, I think that you and me need to talk."
AHHH, that cliff hanger! Once again Thankyou everyone who reads this story. Thankyou Gpenguin99 for helping me out with Chapter and possibly more to come.

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