Chapter 6 - Family

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Update: Tyde and Tully have been dating for 1 month now. Thankyou and enjoy the Chapter ♥

Tyde has invited me to have dinner with his parents. This is going to be the first time I meet the authority figures of the Mellet family and I'm not going to lie. I'm shitting bricks. My stomach has been churning all day, the only possible cause for this is first impressions. I don't want them to dislike me and I want them to know that I care for Tyde and that I will always protect and support him. I am outrageously nervous. Tyde once said that my beauty should be illegal, I think my nerves should be illegal, arrested right now and completely removed from my body.

I will be heading out to the Mellet household at 5:00pm so I can be there around 6, if not earlier, if not later. At the moment its only 3:30 so I decide to have a shower and wash my hair while I'm in there. As I stand in the shower I look in the mirror, which strategically planned by myself is positioned so that while you are showering you can see the views of the ocean. Everytime I shower I watch the reflection in the mirror and remember times when my father was around. We use to spend hours upon hours out there. Before I go getting to emotional I turn away, finish cleaning my body and carefully step out of the shower trying not to slip. I grab my towel and do my usual drying procedure. I place my underwear upon my body, I then hang up my towel back on it's rack and walk into my room deciding what to wear. I fling open wardrobe and have a debate with myself... "usual ettire or more formal?"
I repeat this over and over again finally deciding on "formal" I grap my 2 piece leaf pattern dress from my wardrobe and whip it on. I then decide on wearing my white chomps and the usual 'Kim Kardasian' handbag and depart my home, wishing the evening well to my mother and I'm on my way.


There was just a knock at the door, my face has instantly lighted up because I know whos at the door and it ain't Santa Clause. I open the door and greet the outmost stunning female infront of me.
"Good Evening" I say rather elegantly "Welcome to the Mellet Estate, may I take your coat?" And I cheekishly wink at her
"Haha, Nice try" Tully replies giving me a slap across the arm.
"I shall escort you the entertainment"
"Thankyou my kind Sir" Tully and I join arms and move into the Kitchen and Lounge area.
"May I introduce you to the once and only Shaun and Laurelle Mellet" I announce
"Its a pleasure to meet you both" Tully says
"You aswell" both my parents say at the same time.
"Please sit down and make yourself at home" my mother offers. Myself and Tully both sit down on the couch and chat with my parents until dinner was served.


I'm having a great night, a rather pleasent evening. I'm making great conversation with Laurelle and Shaun and I'm having a great night. Suddenly conversation topic changes to family. Tyde and his parents begin to chat about Troye and their sister Sage, old childhood stories and so on. That topic then turns to me, I mentally prepared myself in my shower today because I has a sneaky suspiscion that I would have to answer this. I haven't even told Tyde yet.
"So, Tully, who so you live with?" Shaun asks me
"Just my mother" I reply
"What about your dad, or do you have any siblings?" Laurelle pitches in. I take a deep breath in and begin to explain...
"I use to have both actually" I start with. I probably sound like a depressing orphan. "But my Father and Brother Isaac died in a Car crash not that long ago, and theres not a day when I don't think about them." I look over to Tyde, he looks a mixture of sad, astonished/shocked and slightly mad. Then the topic changes almost instantly and discussion continues on for the night.

I'm not going home tonight, I'm staying with Tyde tonight at his and Troye's house. It will be our first time sleeping the same bed together and I'm feeling rather nervous considering I've slept next him before.

Me and Tyde changed into pyjamas, I packed some in my handbag knowing that I would need them. We are lying in bed together.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Tyde asks
"About what" I knew perfectly well about what he meant.
"Your Father and Brother" he continued
"I didn't think you needed to know right now, its not relevant at the current time" I think I'm getting my period and I'm becoming really grumpy with him.
"Don't you trust me?" He raises his voice slightly turning and facing me.
"Tyde" I whine out
"Then why haven't you?" Getting louder again, Troye warned me about this. Tyde will say some pretty rude things when he gets angry so I decide to cut things short
"ENOUGH" I snap. I turn my back to face him and attempt to fall asleep. My first fight with Tyde and it was over the last thing I would want it to be about.

I hope your enjoying this series and I hope you enjoy a good cliff hanger. I really enjoy writing this story and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Leave some suggestions so I can improve and add some even more interest to the story. You need to tell me though whether or not I should shorten or lengthen these chapters.


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