Chapter 10 - Perfection

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It's now Friday, this week has been hard to get though but I've bean able to do it with a smile on my face thanks to my boyfriend. Tyde has been there for me every step of the way, from my random crying fits to my happiest moments. Being with him is so amazing I feel like I can let go and just forget about the world but unfortunately that's not the case there's still school, I mean it's not that I hate school but to be honest theres better things that I could be doing not to brag or anything but I'm a straight A+ student so I'm not complaining.

After getting the assential things that I need for my class, closing my locker and spinning around to see what seems to be a very shocked Luna. " oh hey... W-what's wrong?" I ask not quite sure what to make of the girl standing in front of me.
"Yeah hey....ummm" she mutters I hate when she does that you can never catch what she is trying to say. To make her feel comfortable, I try and lighten up the mood.
"hey take your time it's not like we have class to go to" I say with a smile laughing. She nods her head making her brown hair move across her face, taking a moment I look at her appearance black shoes,same old jeans that she seems to wear everyday, what looks to be a white tank top covered by a plaid throw over shirt she wears one everyday today, today it is black and red. I finally meet here Bluey/Gray eyes, raising one eyebrow I wait for her to say whatever she needs to say.
"You know that test we did the other day right? The one in maths?" I nod yes knowing to what she is referring to, I myself had gotten an A+.
"well I umm.. I got my results back" I give her a face as to say hurry up and tell me already. "I got a C+" she quickly yells At this I roll my eyes, I should have known it was going to be unimportant, though for her it's a big deal I'm surprised that she's even made it this far though school with out failing, every years she barely pass's but some how manages to get by, she's probably sleeping with our English Teacher Luke. I shake my head and pat her on the back.
"well done my friend" I say with a genuine smile. Then she starts to waffle on about how she knew nothing about anything that was on the test, I take this time to think about how much her and I have changed over the years, we being completely different have managed to stay friends she knows everything about me and my family and she's been one of the best things to happen to me, shes been there for me when I thought that no one else would, times when i was getting really bad with my cutting she was there in a way. I think that's why we get on because both our family history's are complicated.
"hello earth to Tully" I'm taken back to reality by Luna waving a hand in my face.
"oh sorry what were you saying" we had already taken our seats and were opening up our books.
"I said when do I get to meet this handsome devil of a boyfriend of yours" she jabs a finger in my side with an eyebrow raised.
"soon... but I have him to myself all weekend" I sigh from the thought of all the different things we could do.
"uhhhmhh, yes well when you can stop getting it with this boyfriend of yours I would like to actually spend some time with by best friend if you don't mind" she says with a bit of humour.
" what... No we haven't.. I mean we haven't done that yet" I say bringing my hands to my cheeks to hide my blush.
"okay keep your secrets, but I will be there at the wedding"

The day ends quicker then I expected I decided that I'm going to surprise Tyde by coming over to his house to start our weekend together sooner. After collecting my things for the weekend I arrive at Tyde's house, waking in I drop my bags and see where Tyde. He doesn't seem to be in the kitchen, nor inn his room where else could he be?
"TYDE" I yell, echoing through the entirity of the house.
"he's not here you know" a voice from behind me says.
"SHIT" I say whipping around to face the surprising voice that has snuck up on me, but being my clumsy self all I end up doing is face planting in front of some really nice shoes. Great now I'm a clumsy, perfectionate, vain, lazy and hormonal 17 year old.
"oh Tully I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frighten you" he says the voice of Troye fills my ears. He chuckling as he helps me up off the cold hard ground, luckily I didn't break my nose.
"I take it from the chuckling that you totally meant to do that?" I say, I'm now laughing myself
"I'm sorry but it was just to good to pass up hahahah you should have seen your face" Troye explains doubling over with laughter and wiping the tears away from his face. "oh and I do believe your Mr Tyde popped out a good half hour ago, though he should be back soon" as if Troye has super powers just at that very moment, Tyde decides to walk through the door, with a handful of what looks to be like recording equipment. "Oh hey guys, Tully it's good to see you I actually wanted to know if we could have a chat"
"annnnnd that's my que to go, see you lovebugs later" troys says and walks into his room.

Tyde just pulled me over the couch, where we are now sitting, awkwardly just looking at each other.
"You wanted to talk?" I ask, my voice a little shaky with the thoughts of what he could possibly want to talk about.
"Yes sorry, I just wanted to know if you had ever thought about making a YouTube channel?" Tyde asks with a curious face. I'm a little taken back by the question, I mean of course I thought about it, like seriously who hasn't, but it's not like it could really happen.
"I did once but I don't think I should" I say with a sad smile.
"well I think you should Tully, your smart, funny,independent and beautiful and I think the world should be able to see that. Plus I didn't just buy all this equipment for nothing" he moves his hand to cover my cheek and looks into my eyes.

HOW LOVELY. Great job Gpenguin99, great addition to the story. I might update once more today, if not the next time I update will hopefully be Monday. If I can't do that Gpenguin99 will have the opportunity to continue on with the story. Low chance that I won't update soon though.

I would like to that all my readers because we hit over 350 reads and It just makes my day and also Gpenguin99.

Vote, comment and follow me on all the things
INSTAGRAM: NATHEN__LEE (2 underscores)

I've decided to make a new segment at the end of my story and it's going to be...
Q. What song have I had on reply recently
A. Worth it - Fifth Harmony


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