Chapter 18 - Hate Team

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I'm setting a goal! I want this story to have 2K reads by the time I have wrote Chapter 20. We are very close at the current time, 600 more reads. This is definitely possible and go tell your friends about it! Anyway I just wanna put out a special shoutout to a couple of fantastic humans hannahkubler , thank you so much for your on-going support, you motivate me. And... Sherry7346 who votes for every part, and has sexy-ass hair! Sooooo... I guess all I can say is... Enjoy!


"What do you want Tyde, you've basically ruined my Christmas already, so hurry up! Say what you've gotta say!" The second these words escaped my lips, I instantly regretted what I had said.
"My Christmas has been terrible as well..." His words trail off, I wait for him to continue; knowing he hadn't finished yet. "I've really missed you." "Well, you should of thought about that before you called me a bitch!" And like that, I instantly hanged up on his sorry-ass. Although I could sense truth and sadness within his voice I was still not ready to talk to him. Tyde really hurt me and it completely altered my whole perspective on him. I lay in my bed now, attempting to erase the recent events from my brain. Somehow Tyde still manages to weave his way through my head so he is the main focus. So I decide to make a video. This is my favourite thing to do whenever I want to escape the struggles and stress of reality.

Unknowing of what I wanted to record a video about, I look around the YouTube space for some inspiration. Unsuccessful outcome lead me to watching my own videos over again, cringing at every moment I "tried" to be "funny". After watching my 12 videos I had a glance at the amount of subscribers I had... 100,000! Literal Heart Attacks, Literal Tears, Literal Hot Mess. By seeing this, my brain received an idea almost immediately! A Thank you Video!

"I wish you a Merry Christmas. I thank you for your on-going support. OH! And one last thing before I go... I miss you too." I walk over and switch off my camera. Will I use this or will I not? Debating and constant procrastination has always been my worse flaws. Ahhh screw it I think to myself.

The next morning I wake from my slumber eager to discover the results of my recent YouTube upload. When I open my Mac and login to my YouTube I discover something I was not expecting. An in-youtube email. I open my email and read:

To Dear Tully,
The YouTube company has taken a big interest in your most recent uploads.
You have really impressed us with your creativity skills, and never-ending charmingness.
We truly believe you have some serious Talent; We have emailed you to announce
something very exciting! We are asking you to work with us! Make some very good
money and get your name out in the world. We would love you to become one of
the big YouTubers in the near future! For this plan to go ahead we need your full consent
and dedication. We have a great idea in mind but we cannot reveal until you accept our
proposal. The Team at YouTube can't wait to work with you, Tully!
Thank you for your Time,
Sincerely the YouTube community.

"OMG!" I shout out with pure glee. I can't control my excitement and I want to instantly reply. Almost 5 seconds after my fit, my mother comes rushing into my room.
"My Golly! What is it Tully?" She asks, completely unaware of what just occurred.
"YouTube just emailed me, asking me to basically become a full-time... Well not full-time, but a dedicated and serious YouTuber!" My mum looks confused so I show her the email. She must read it over a few times getting her head around the email. I watch her expressions, unsure if she wants to go along with the offer. After what seems like an eternity she finally speaks up.
"Well I don't see why not" she says with full honesty giving me a slight smirk.
"Wait! SERIOUSLY!" I reply in complete disbelief and astonishment.
"Well what are you waiting!" She almost orders "reply to them!" She didn't have to say it twice. With the sound of her words I quickly clicked on the reply button and began my email in reply:

Dear Youtube,
I am mesmerised and flattered by your offer for me to become a dedicated YouTuber!
So I'm going to put this simply and tell you I accept. I have spoken about the proposal
with my mother and she is very supportive and wants me to do this as well. I can't wait
for the day I finally get to work with every part of the YouTube Community. So once again
Thank you for giving me this opportunity and I'm really looking forward to meeting,
Getting to know you and working with you!
Thank You for your kindness and support

After proof reading the reply-email a couple times over, I finally send it off. The second I sent it the anxiety began to sit in. I'm already desperate for a reply. For the first time in forever I forget about Tyde. Gone from my mind.

Well well well. What an exciting new addition to the story. Yassss this is a short chapter but thats mainly because I wanted to focus on Tully's life. I also feel like I screwed you guys over! I left it on such a cliff hanger last time, and well nothing really happened. And I know that a couple of parts ago I teased a new Youtuber will be joining us, but I have kinda set that back but SHE will be arriving very soon. Btw if you haven't noticed this person has been hinted throughout the story. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed!



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