Chapter 13 - Aftermath

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So like Chapter 13 is like here like yasss.

I sit here, alone. I heard the screeching of tyres, the crash and the cries for help. I still have the vision clear and stuck in my mind, this is hell. My boyfriend is away so there's no one here to support me as I sit right beside Luna on what will probably be her death bed. Is Luna dying? I'm not sure but she was beaten brutally by the car and the doctors say she has a minimal chance of living. I know I'm being selfish but all I can think why me? Why is it always me that has problems involving cars. My uncle died recently, my father and brother many years ago and now Luna will pass away and each time the person dead was hit from the impact of a crashing car. I haven't called mum yet and informed her, I haven't even called Tyde, I don't want to ruin his times away in LA. But I can't help myself, I can't hold on anymore so I call him.
My phone rings, rings, rings, rings. The phone rings out.
I remember the time zone differences and realise he must be asleep, but I call again because right now I'm being selfish and I need to talk to him.
It rings again, over and over and over. Then someone answers it...
"Tully?" Tyde questions almost immediately, "What's wrong, what's happening?" His voice is so sincere but I can't speak, I just cry into the phone. "Tully!" I'm hurting him just by crying so I make the effort and attempt to speak out.
"Tyde, it's happened again" I sob into the phone, I have my right hand clasped with Luna's hand and I won't let go.
"What happened again?" He knew but he had to be sure
"I was spending time with Luna, when all of a sudden she ran out from my home, onto the rode and made contact with a car," I wait a second and speak again "Another Car" I almost shout.
"Tully, I'm so sorry, I wish I could be there..." His voice drags off, for a while we are both silent until I finally break the silence.
"Tyde, I should go" he tells me he loves me and I repay the favour, hanging up the phone I bury my face into the bed where Luna 'sleeps' and I slowly slip away from reality.

I sit, alone. I'm home looking at the surroundings where it all took place, how she was about to tell me her secret crush when she went flying out my door and onto the street. I don't understand. When it finally hits me, I'm missing one piece, the interruption of Tyde's phone call. She left the room after the call after she told me she was Sorry. Luna was about to confess her feelings for me... But I thought she was straight, I swore she had a crush on our friend Olli, or sleeping with our English Teacher Luke (Okay maybe not) but I'm confused. Now I'm angered. I shouldn't be angry at Luna but I can't help but to feel betrayed and all loyalty has been broken. What was she trying to pull on me? She knows I love Tyde and she was about to break the news on me after My conversation with him. What a Bitch! How could she of done this to me!?! I don't understand. This isn't the way a normal person would react to almost destruction and erosion of her friend, but she has infuriated me!
I hate her! But I love her! But she nearly ruined everything! But she is your friend! My angel and devil on either shoulder are fighting trying to win a war that myself as the middle has no say in. Like always the evil side of me wins. My pitch, pure and dark black heart, full of insults and dry humour has taken over. Just a little something about me I love making insults as jokes. Just something I do as a friend and hey! Luna!
"I love Tyde more!"


I sit next to Troye. I told him everything that occurred with Tully and her friend Luna (I still haven't met) and how I need to go back home early and see Tully.
"I have no business here anymore" I try to persuade Troye to let me go home. "I've done everything I need too and everything else on our checklist is for you!" Troye isn't buying it because he won't send me home by myself.
"I can call Mum and Dad to see what they think, and if they will take care of you if you return" this tells me that Troye understands and feels sympathy for me, he wants me to go see Tully but he is my current legal guardian and it's his decision to find another as a 'fill in'.
"Please" I reply to Tyde, squeezing out the slightest Puppy face so I don't look like I'm trying too hard.
"Alright" he finally gave in!
"Thank you" I say honestly.

Troye has called Mum and Dad and I can return home. Although cutting the trip short is upsetting, as I was looking really forward to doing some LA shopping, this is what I have to do. Tully needs me at this time in her life and I need to be there for her. I'm leaving tomorrow and I am going to surprise her with my return. Grasp her in my arms and just hold her, comfort her and support her. Let her know that I truly care and love her. Right now it is 10:00pm, I decide to go to sleep and make time go faster so I can see Tully as quickly as I can. I lie down in my bed, alone. I drift asleep slowly then all at once. I'm taken away by my dreams and I don't want them to stop. I'm with Tully we are madly in love, constantly laughing and having a great time, but in the back of my head I know this isn't going to occur, not for a long while. Tully isn't in the greatest mind set and I don't think there will be much laughter for a long time...
I wake from my slumber, ready for the day.

LUNA'S POINT OF VIEW (She may be unconscious but that doesn't mean she can't have thoughts)

I slowly drift from thought to thought. I am, Alone. All I can remember is running out from Tully's place of living and being pounded by a car. So cliché and very bad writing from the Author's part but I can hear everything that has been said and it is absolute torture. I have heard Tully say she loves Tyde, which melts my body into nothing just like the wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz, and I have heard all the doctor's reports and all the sad, torturous things my parents have been saying. How they won't be parents to me anymore and that they love me, blah blah blah. These are my Coma thoughts, although very sad, very nice.

Am I still upset with Luna? Yes.
I miss Tyde like hell and I have called him multiple times today and he hasn't replied. I hope he isn't ignoring me, but more importantly I hope he is Okay. I don't know where he is or what he is doing. I smother myself under my blankets on my bed. I cry into my pillow pretend it is Tyde himself. But it won't be. Not for a long time. He is in LA and he won't be back for 4 days. Yes short but for me it is a long time, almost an eternity.

I have arrived in my hometown of Perth, Australia and my oh my have I missed this air, so pure compared to LA's. I walk out of the plane, thanking all of the staff and making my way over to the luggage pick-up. I stand and wait for almost 10 minutes, so I make a conversation with the same age teenager next to me. His name is Olli. He just returned from Sydney for a weekend away with his Mother. We talk about our interests and stuff and discover we live close to each other and make a day to meet at Starbucks together. We exchange our numbers.
"Looks like our bags are coming" he says pointing at the conveyor, flap covered entrance which bags come through (great description IKR).
"Mines first" I say enthusiastically, knowing that I constantly get closer and closer to seeing Tully again. I pick up my bag and say goodbye to Olli. Great guy! I hope in a Taxi and tell the driver the address of Tully's house.

Me and mum are sitting together in the dining room. I am eating my Two Minute Noodles by Migoreng for lunch and mum is eating noodles with tuna through it. We are talking about Luna and I tell her what happened just before the impact. I tell her how I have mixed emotions over the occurrence, and she understands my feelings, she says that she sees where I'm coming from but she tells me that I should try to wipe that feeling and thought out from my brain, but I don't think I can.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door I walk over the window which shows a view of the front door, which I stalk behind to see who it is. At the sight. I squeal and almost collapse onto the timber ground below me.

What did you think. I tried to make this chapter to be a bit longer then the rest due to being out of action. I hope y'all enjoyed and it wasn't too boring!

Q.What song has been on reply recently?

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