01: single uncle

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"Ever since I met you, I know myself I was inlove with you...it's not only with your looks, but because you. The Park Jeongwoo, funny, charming, friends with everyone. You are an amazing person!"

With all her determination, and strength, she manage not to stumble upon her words hoping for the confession to end up success like how she used to imagine.

The said boy standing 181cm tall at the front of her blushed.

"Thank you. Thank you Wonyoung for appreciating me it means alot to me. Youre pretty, kind and actually I dont deserve this confession from you. That's why I'm sorry I just can't...return your feeling right no--"

"I u-understand!" And she turn her back against him and hastened her pace in walking away. Before she could even burst out crying.

He watched her leave from the rooftop then, out of his sight covering her face with her palm.

Jeongwoo somehow feel guilty he tried to chased her and say "sorry" over and over again, he knew how much it hurt her. 

But it would be worsen if he did. So he stay.

The fresh air blew upon his face, as the whole rooftop fell on silent.

"Aishh! Idiot, stupid, dumb, piece of trash, a s--"

A girl came out from her hiding place after eavesdropping everything, as she started cursing him. Only for Jeongwoo to roll his eyes.

"Shut up Sol...its not easy okay?" He turn his head to his bestfriend who look even more guilty than he is.

"She likes you! Dude it's already Yang Wonyoung for God's sake and you just say, Shorri I can't love chu beck and blah, blah, blah"  she mimicked his voice for Jeongwoo to laughed about.

"What the fuck, I dont talk like that ma'am!!" He defended.

It's not the first time for Park Jeongwoo to reject someone. After all, he is just one and only the campus' crush. Though he dont have any plan to start..you know, this thing; dating. He wasn't ready yet.

He always think, he dont deserve it.

Nam Sol knew how much he hate relationship. Throughout the years of their friendship, she only learn how coward this boy was.

"If you keep acting that way, you'll get old as a single and stupidest coward uncle of my future children!!"

He raised his right eyebrow giving Sol a questioning look.

"You're planning to have children?"

They started walking to the hall for their next class since recess is almost over.

"Um yeah, duh, I dont want to grow old single..." she muttered crossing her arms above her chest. "Dude my future children could be so lucky to have beautiful auntie like Yang Won--"

"I bet you're gonna be the worse mother ever!" Jeongwoo cut her words off trying to avoid the guilt probably would eat him up till midnight.

"Excuse me, I would be the best mom in the world!" She bicked back.

Jeongwoo just smiled and imagine it. "Yeah, sure, and I just dont want to witness you; watching your children die." He teased.

He knew himself, it was all lie. Cause Nam Sol will be the best mom ever like what she said. And the best person he met.

There's nothing to guilt about, when he realized he made a right choice.

"You know what? I won't let them meet you!" She stomped her feet to the floor with hmph!  tone.

"You won't let them meet their father? What kind of mother you are!" The guy beside her dramatically gasped.

for Sol to halt her steps then, looked away avoiding the blush crept upon her face.

She knew it was a playful remark and Jeongwoo probably doesn't mean it as always. Yup, as always.

She playfully smacked his head and ran, "loser got late in English!" She hollered down the hall.

"Ouch! Hey wait up my SolMate!" He rubbed his head and chased after having not enough teasing his best friend.

"Ugh! shut up Woo!"

"HAHA! you look so cute when you get angry bub!"


"Sol, Sol, Sol, bub!"

He poked her cheeks several times in the attempt of distracting his bestfriend who was busy with her textbook.

Suddenly he was craving for her attention.

please eyes on me bub.

"What is it Park Jeongwoo?" Finally she opens her mouth and still can't spare a glance to Jeongwoo.

"So, what's the answer?" He twinkled his own eyes, sparkling, hoping for the magic to come-- or probably just the answer at the no. 7 question.

"No." she sternly said.

"C'mon Nam Sol! The goddess of all godesses in the entire unive--"

"Just guess it bub." She finally turned her head to him irritatedly, having her eyebrows met.

"Fuck you mean guess? The question is literally worth of 10 points!" Jeongwoo gasp pouted and plopped his head to his desk. Hoping someone could feel his pain.


Sol gave up, because he was her bestfriend, then the other half, because she owe him her smile everyday.

"Fine. Just treat me tteobeokki after school."

English was not my first language :)

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