06: nam sol

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"Ugh! Why Math could be this hard!"

The 12 a.m voice from the struggling student Nam Sol echoed inside her room. Pushing her hair back and fort in frustration. Even kicking the wooden floor.

Last quarter for the last year of high school was hectic. Projects, assignments, and exams pressure Sol.

Her finger tips touch the edge of the page, debating whether she should go to sleep or continue the headache.

Until a noise could be heard from her window.


She turned to her window irritatedly. Birds. She sigh and approached where the sound coming from to shoo the birds away.

She was taken aback in surprised when it wasn't a bird, but a stone.

"Ouch!" Sol rubbed her forehead in pain with the pebble hit it.

"Hey Sol!"

It was Jeongwoo.

"What the...it's literally 12 a.m. for Pete's sake Park Jeongwoo!" She shouted and at the same time, whispered grabbing her own hair in frustration.

"Nah, you don't even had a plan to sleep anyway" Jeongwoo approached and held his slippers with his hand.

Before Sol could even claimed or react, Jeongwoo started climbing the nigh tree which was beside the Nam Family's house--and of course, just right at the front of her room window.

When he already at the top, he begin to balance himself walking with the trunk, and to her window.

Those big, widen per of eyes greeted him inside. The boy suddenly felt praised by her action.

"H-How much things I still dont about you?" Sol asked for him to chuckled.

"Hmm...alot, you want a list?" Jeongwoo conceit himself.

"Tch. Let me guess youre here, because of the Math's assignment aren't you?"

"Kind of, but nah, a chill 79 is fine" the guy said and started laying his body to her bed and take a one book from the shelf.

If Sol wasn't living here and just met this guy, she would definitely think it was his own house of the way he lifted his feet upon the wall.

"Aishh! Then why are y--"

"A goals...to achieves?" He trail his words while reading the book he took.

Sol's heart skipped for a moment when she realised it was the book she wrote with her cringey goals 2 years ago out of boredom.

This is the problem having her best friend inside her place. Jeongwoo can't stay off his hand from things that made him curious.

"Omyghadd give me that!" She quickly stretched her hands as she tried to reach the book who currently lifting by Jeongwoo up to the ceiling with his height. "Arghh park Jeongwoo!"

[v] Treat Jeongwoo on his birthday
[v] Stargazing with Jeongwoo
[  ] "Confess to Jeongwoo...?"

After the tall bestfriend of her read the last sentence the room fall in silence. Jeongwoo looked at Sol right through her eyes who was screaming, SHIT! she was fucked up.

"Confess to me what?" Jeongwoo stared at his bestfriend who was growing weak, speechless.
Then, Jeongwoo chuckled. "Aye, Yah! Nam Sol! You like me, aren't you?" The boy once again chuckled teasing his bestfriend playing with his eyebrows filling the whole awkward atmosphere.

Sol cannot helped but to lower her head and whispered, "yes"

That's when Jeongwoo lost his playfulness and stop from laughing trying to process what he just heard. He was actually expecting her to say 'eww...no' or 'no I'm not'

He tried to looked for the hint of sarcasm but she was serious. Sol was ready to confess it.

"Y-you like me?!"

Jeongwoo repeat it. Though he doesn't sound angry but surprised with a lil bit of...disappointment?

She gulped and gather all strength to say it out loud.

"For almost fucking 10 years, Park Jeongwoo I liked you! I have loved silently. I'm sorry." And she burst out crying in the middle of 1 a.m.


"I know I know, I know it was wrong! I wasn't supposed to fall inlove with my bestfriend! Though I wasn't meant to break our friendship, and I knew you are not ready and you are not into me! It was all wrong...I'm s-sorry!" She cover her face with her palm from the unexpected confession.

"It wasn't your fault, Sol..." Jeongwoo held her chin up and gaze to her teary eyes. "And I'm sorry. Cause I love you...as my bestfriend." He whispered and hugged her.

it was a NO.

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