09: bub, dream, us

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"Hey" Sol started walking towards his bicycle.

"Hey" jeongwoo return doesn't really know what to say.

They grew silent, the coldness from the night atmosphere became contagious. It was like a wall that grow bigger every minutes passed.

They somehow want to just walk away because of the awkwardness.

"So, Do you already had your speech miss valedictorian?" Jeongwoo can't handle the silence so he decided to start it in normal question.

Sol chuckled at the name.

"Dont call me that. My name is Sol, your bub"

Jeongwoo grinned at it. He was now feel at ease, that she wasn't sound different though he felt proud cause he always had this understanding girl.

"You want to hop on bub?" Jeongwoo offered while positioning his bicycle.

Sol's eyes gleamed, and nodded excitedly.

"Hold tight okay?" Jeongwoo's hand voluntary support Sol's to wrapped it around his waist.

Blushed slowly crept upon his face luckily, it cannot be seen by Sol who had having the same situation too.

He started working with the pedal with Sol's head leaning on his back.

The cold weather of night blew upon his hair, sending shiver on their each body.

Jeongwoo took a brake in the bike as he parked it slowly.

Honestly, he doesn't really know where he would take her instead he just bring Sol nearest to their school.

"Take this jacket bub..its really cold" Jeongwoo offered while taking off his black hoodie.

"It's okay-" Jeongwoo just voluntary put it on her back since it was really obvious she was not fine with the weather.

Sol just smile and mouthed thank you. For some reason why they look so awkward right now. Is not the first time they fought. Well, this one was not actually a fight, it was a thing that didn't expect to happen.

But at the end of the day, they always find a way to choose joy over tears, to choose freedom over guilt.

"Why are we here?"

Jeongwoo didn't answer he just observed something right through the school.

Suddenly Jeongwoo held her hand tightly and tiptoed to nearest unguarded door gate own by the school. Sol just followed his footsteps doesn't really feeling well about her bestfriend about to do.

"Bub what were gonna do?"

"Shhh just wait..." Jeongwoo grinned.

They kept tiptoeing the path Jeongwoo leading with. Until he ceased.

"Tadaaa~~" the lad half whisper.

Sol doesn't clearly get the idea, they are just in the middle of wide dark grass field that they used to go every break time.


"Remember when we write something on this tree" her bestfriend pointed the tall familiar mango tree.

"Oh, right, we wrote our name!" Sol almost shout in realization.

They both approached the said tree,and looked for their name.

'Nam Sol ☀️, Prk Jngwoo ♡'

There it was, vaguely display at the top of the bench they usually sit while eating a burger every 10 a.m from Monday to Friday

It gather alot of memories inside their head.

"One week before graduation..." Jeongwoo smiled sadly. "Sol--"

"I will miss you too" Sol uttered right away gathering those tears at bottom of her eyes.

Jeongwoo chuckle with so much sadness on it's tone.

"You could stay here...you could become the Dr. Nam Sol here in korea as well bub..." Jeongwoo almost regret what he said after the good 5 minutes of silence.

"...You know that I can't. I always dream about this bub, you witness that." She started putting her head on his shoulder,  "Jeongwoo I hate leaving Korea but the opportunity, the advantage their in london was great...bub--"

"Then, what about me? You're gonna leave me..."

There he is trying, seeking for hope that maybe, just maybe, she would change her mind, in the most selfish way he could.

"Hey, I'm not leaving you. Let's say I'm just in London for a small vacation. But I wont leave Korea, I wont leave my home, and it's you my home, Park Jeongwoo. And I'm just investing this for...our future. Woo I always want to be someone you could be prou--"

Sol started feeling the warm tears staining her cheeks. She felt bad, guilty, for hurting him. Sol was acting like someone who dont had a choice, but she actually doesn't have choice.

Her dream, against she loved.

"I'm proud of you, I'm always and had been proud of my Sol. You don't need to leave."

He's been selfless with all his life, and maybe being selfish for once won't kill him.

But the dread silent that keeps on growing, became a knife slowly killing him little by little.


"Sol, d-dont leave! Please!" Jeongwoo was also crying. Desperation echoed right through his voice.

Sol understand what he feel right in this moment. She can't help but to feel awe seeing Jeongwoo pleading like this. She sobbed silently trying to say something,

If it's just so easy, so easy not to leave you, I will.

"Bub it wasn't e-easy"

Jeongwoo smile but far from happiness, far from he expected. His heart broke into thousands pieces hearing her every words.

"So, am I not enough to make you stay?"

The latter knew it was a selfish question. A really selfish one. But he can't deal with his brain right for the moment, when his heart pounding so much that he can't manage to think well.

Sol's lips turned into thin line lowering her head he can't bear watching this guy breaking apart.

She shook her head gently.

"I thought you love me--"

"I was! I love you! I love you so much—Park Jeongwoo I love you!" She almost shouted keeping up with the three words repeatedly. "B-but, sometimes love was not enough to stay. I'll chased my dream first before you, cause I love you..."

Sol putting her face closer and closer to him until it touch their each nose tip.

Within just a delightful night, under the big tree where a two names was being engrave upon it, they found their lips met.


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