13: almost sunshine

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Was taking all the blame worth it?

Yes, it was.

Cause for Nam Sol, she rather to hurt herself and be selfless, than knowing why he left.

Yes, he may already said the reason,

He get tired. It was tiring indeed.

But the thing she feared the most is to know, why?

Why did he get tired?

She vividly remember her mother said, if you truly love someone, you'll wait. If you really want things to happen, then wait.

So he must never wanted it.

Sol was so scared, too afraid to know behind the reason of those why's.

Does he find waiting her, unworthy?

Does Jeongwoo never loved her?

Or He just found someone better?

Those questions haunting her, due to the fact that all of these could be the reasons.

And actually the reasons.

If she could litteraly be deaf with the facts, she would.

She was so afraid to hear it coming from Jeongwoo, explaining things that she was sure will end "but it wasn't been your fault" Funny, cause knowing the boy too much, he would deny things that are truly obvious.

To the point she could take all the blame rather than justifying her worth for the boy.

For some reason, she find herself fine being the fault. She was okay with this situation.

To make it short,

She can't  bring herself to be honest, realizing that it would never gonna be the same again.

Afterall, I'm  not yours anyway, and you aren't mine.

Right. Why would someone will wait for her?

"If Wonyoung would be on my position, would Jeongwoo will do the same thing though?"

It's either Yes, or No.

They are different.

They have nothing in common but it was just falling in love for Jeongwoo.

I leave too early, and came back too late.

Does time actually heal all wounds?

People takes time to heal and moved on.

But for Sol,

Not now. Not right now, that she was still stuck with the past and still hoping she could rewind everything.

Healing is not for everyone anyway.


The bell rung signalling another costumer has entered the restaurant.

The same smell of grilled meat, and tteobeokki greeted her.

Sol inhaled the smell and greeted the waitress who are already friends with her.

Ms. Yoon, the old maiden put down the menu and smiled at the everyday familiar young lady at the front of her.

"Your shift already over?" Ms. Yoon asked Sol who is now sitting with her comfortably.

"Yup! It's  early cause there aren't alot of patient for today!" She talk bubbly as usual.

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