04: happy birthday

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Tick, tock!

"A few more minutes..." Jeongwoo whispered watching the clock strike at every number.

It was midnight. Though he was still sitting at one table displayed beside the large transparent glass of the tteobeokki store with his bestfriend busy staring at the moon who was clearly visible with their position.

24 hours open, said the neon lettering.

"Aigooo!10 more minutes bub! You're finally 18!" Sol said excitedly with her noisemaker already in her hands.

The restaurant wasn't that crowded. Well infact, there are only like 5 costumers at this time. They all sitted in 3 different tables minding their own business.

Despite it, the place didn't manage to have a peaceful midnight since Sol was there; being noisy.

The two bestfriend decided to spend the midnight counting to celebrate his birthday. They have to. They always do.

After all, it was Saturday and Jeongwoo would visit his mom tomorrow.

"Omygod Sol stop being noisy, you could disturb the other costumers!" Jeongwoo shushed her feeling embarrassed having his loud bestfriend beside him.

"I dont care okay? The important is that you are turning 18 an--"

"And you're still 17 HAH! I could now call you minor!" he laughed loudly.

"Tss my birthday is just 3 months away sir"

"Please just call me oppa, minor"

Sol rolled her eyes in annoyance and return her sight to the clock.

"5 more minutes!! 5...4..." she started counting with her finger looking straight to Jeongwoo.

"3..2" the birthday boy joined counting.

"ONEEE!" they chanted fully disturb the three other costumer.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OPPAAAA!" Sol started jumping with her noisemaker and birthday hat.

"Shhh!" A costumer who was an old woman hushed them strictly.

"Oh, I'm sorry maam" Jeongwoo bowed. "She is still young and doesn't know what her doing. After all she was still 17 years old. And doesn't know how to act like an adult like me" He emphasized full of pride.

He give Sol a father-like look who was felt betrayed just because of her age.

"Wow! Be thankful it's your birthday!" Sol whispered watching her friend approached to their table once again.

"Thank you bub."

"Tss...anyways blow your candle!" Sol swing her mood for a seconds and and put the small cake to his front.

Jeongwoo closed his eyes before he blew it off.

"What did you wished?" Sol asked curiously.

"I wished for you to stay."


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