08: miss u miss

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"After your graduation honey,we need to go to London immediately. Your graduation ceremony was a bit late, that's why the university you are going in, is already preparing."

Her mom said with a silky voice while setting the table with her daughter.

Sol cannot helped but to gulped. "What? C-cant we stay here for a bit?" Her mom gave her a questioning look.

"How many hours of that bit?"

"I mean, we could stay here in Korea like..I dont know, maybe for three, or two weeks?"

A whole atmosphere shift, Sol gulped while taking all the hidden glare from her mom's eyes.

"Sol, aren't you excited?" Her mom said while cupping her face.

Honestly, she wasn't excited at all although this is the dream she's been waiting for. But for some reason, she felt hesitating, she felt something is wrong, she felt sad for leaving.

"Honey...this is for you and your father right?" Her mom tried to cheer her up with those words that didn't do anything but to feel her even more pressure.

Sol must admit, she was happy going on London. But how much sacrifices you had to take just to reach you dream?

Graduation was only 1 week away.

Suddenly she just wish that maybe something could cancel the graduation ceremony. And it's useless.

The hesitance was utterly on her reaction.

A name of someone popped up in her head.


They didn't talk for almost 4 days after the midnight confession. No, she doesn't feel angry at him at all, and no, she doesn't like being bitter on someone just because he rejected her. After all, Jeongwoo do at really polite way.

She know, Jeongwoo didn't bother to contact her either, because he still feel bad about it.

Sol taught once she confess to him, and rejected, maybe she could find a way to hate him. But no, Park Jeongwoo do it in more unexpected way.

Instead, he became her standard, that put her on the situation; if it wasn't you then none at all.

Sol was willing to wait for him to be ready. And when that day come, she hope he'll choose her.

Damn, I miss that boy.

"Mom, I'll have something really need to do...I'll be back before 10 pm I swear!" Sol quickly kissed her mom to the cheek, and hastened her walk before she would even declined.

30% to reasoned is to escape from washing dishes, and the 70% is that she had this strong urge to see his face who she missed so much.

Her quick footstep of the quiet neighborhood echoed. Until she recognized someone's silhouette distance away from her position.

"Yah, park Jeongwoo!" Though she wasn't sure, she just shouted his name taking the vague figure's attention.

In her disappointment she bowed immediately in embarrassment. It wasn't him.

"Why are you shouting my name?"

Now, she smiled. It was litteraly the voice coming from Park Jeongwoo in her back.

Sol quickly spun her hills to his direction and smiled.

Everything feels like slow motion. From how the leaves falls on the ground, to how their eyes gaze to each other under the moonlight.

Hey, I miss you.

The word they wanted to say out loud. Though seeing them smiling at each other was enough.

dedicated for @babetaeass_

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