05: sol for sunshine

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Jeongwoo's pov

"The number have you dialled is not avai--"

I kept dialled her number hoping she would pick her phone up. But no, she wasn't for me to panicked about.

I looked at her empty desk beside me. It's been three days Sol didn't manage to attend class.

And the last thing I knew she reasoned,

"Sorry, It's just urgent"

I still didn't know what is more urgent than her grades.

"Sol is absent again?" Our class president Jungwon took my attention from starting at her chair maybe waiting for her to popped up.

"Tsk, tsk, I know right, She doesn't really feel well, Jungwon..." I lied to excuse her that maybe she could get an exemption.

She loves her grades so much. Grades is not just a number for her, it's her entire sleepless nights.

"I see...she'll get an exemption."

I nodded in relief.


I check my phone several times throughout the whole day. Even a single message from her doesn't appeared.

I sigh, worried.

Sol never do this to me. Making me this worried to death.

She never leave, without telling me the reason. Cause with those years of our friendship, she always inform me every single details of her day. Of her life.

To MySolMate:
Where r u?

hey, sol.

We had quiz today :)

something wrong?


I widen my eyes by the status. She is active, finally! I almost jump in bliss at the middle of the crowd.

My phone vibrated once more, and her next message made my whole body being invade by worriedness.

I can't still attend class tomorrow..

And I know it was a cue for me to run and dive right through the crowded hall while typing her number.

I gulped multiple times. Panicking inside, thinking Sol was not okay.

I dialled her number while running.

"W-why? What is wrong bub?"

A desperation for the answer echoed through my voice while hearing a disturbing noise from the other line.

《I-I'm fine just tell the teac--》

"What is happening? I know you, What's wrong?" I continue on running doesn't really know where to go.

I could sense the nervousness through her hoarse voice, a bit of hesitation while telling where she is right now and assured her she could trust me.

I quickly crossed the street fidgeting with my fingers. I suddenly just wanna popped at her side and soothe her with all my best.

I may not be the best when it comes at comforting but for her, God I would do anything!

Sol is my bestfriend, a soulmate of mine through thick and thin she was there beside me.

I ceased from running when I finally get at the said address. It was a hospital. Where my sight landed to the familiar girl having staring contest with the wall.

"Sol..." I called out, she looked tired, really tired.

Dark circles under her eyes, pale lips, red, wet eyes. She smiled sadly as she approached me.

"It's...dad. His condition doesn't really going well..." she trailed failed to keep the sadness on her tone.


I know how much she love her dad. Mr Nam was Sol's biggest inspiration, she always looked up high and idolize her father. We sometimes even spend the whole night talk talking about him and all I could do is to amazed.

Do you know why Sol was a dreamer? It's because of her dad. She always wanted to be like him; the standard, successful.

"Does Mr. Nam's illness was already being monitored?" I asked.

She looked away for a second.

"Yeah...and he had to go to the state for better care."

I cannot bear seeing her like this. I lowered my body a bit to level her eyes.

"Hey, Mr. Nam was a fighter and I'm sure he could overcome this. He has already overcome a lot" I said while hugging her really tight wasn't really sure if Im doing alright at soothing her.

I was always so grateful to have Sol at my side. Through my ups and down, through my laugh and sadness, she was there beside me hugging me really tight and sooth me, with whatever suck jokes will randomly popped up on her head.

I wanna return the favor. I want to be her solace like how I always see her.

"Thanks b-bub..." she whispered and I could imagine her smile.

Sol was like my sunshine. Yeah, the real definition of sunshine.

I smile at my own thought.

"Sunshine. I'll start calling you Sunshine." I started randomly while putting my chin above her head.

"Aww, why? Is it because I'm lighting up your day?" She chuckled after not budging a glance to me.

"Hmm...no. is it because you are too irritating for my very own porcelain skin, and dont even mention the toxicity you're causing for the climate." I deadpanned.

Sol started loosen her arms around me and rolled her eyes.

I just laugh. Yes it was because you always made my day.


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