07: forever

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Jeongwoo's pov

Do you ever believe in forever?

For me, yes I do believe in everlasting love.

Cause once you knew you're on the right person why would you chose to let them go, right?

Then if you choose to let them go, was it love?

For me, no.

Because love is something you should fight about.

"Forever" what a beautiful word. Well, It is just a word that define two person's love relationship for a lifetime.

I had this crush when I was 10 years old. She is my classmate and my first love,

Nam Sol.

A very smart girl, who had a bewitching dimples upon her cheeks, and a smell of roses.

She was friends with everyone including me.

Until she became my desk mate, my tutor, my friend who I shared secrets, tears, problems with, and became my bestfriend.

It feels surreal for me. That my long time crush would be my bestfriend.

Time passed, and the only thing I learned about her is that, how this girl dream big. Sol was a dreamer indeed. She wanted to be like that, then, and there.

I found it amusing.

That put me in realization, that, wow, this bestfriend of mine was way more different than I am!

Cause I was just an ordinary student who takes like, 7 minutes just to figure out what is 35+75, I was just a boy who happened to fall inlove on his determined bestfriend well infact, I was just a guy who is undecided with his life.

I was insecure.

I knew I have nothing to offer for her.


"What goes wrong? I only did but to love him right bub?" Sol scoffed turn her head to face me while throwing stone aiming for 2 jump on the pond.

I could only nod.

Cause she's been trying to kept her tears in the front of me.

It was the day when she and her ex broke up. Hay, teens this day.

I was the one who let them meet, in hope it would be better.

She tried to aimed for 3 hit in one throw on the pond when the tears started clouding her eyes and silently stained her cheeks.

"Aishh! Yah! Stop crying he dont deserve you! That's why!" I also pick a one pebble and throw it out of my anger.
"He never deserve your tears...okay?! And fuck him cause you deserve alooot better Sol!"

Yes, you deserve a lot better. And that wasn't just me, nor did any boy deserve it.

I knew myself very well.

As much as I wanted to be someone who she can rely on, someone would be enough for her, someone that...you know, she truly deserve.

And it hurt knowing I'm not that person.

She put me on the fact that, love was not all about fighting for it. Sometimes, It was all about letting go, and moved on.

That's how we became bestfriend,


Since idk how to dedicate a chap in mobile (TT) and the book was almost over, let's just mention it here,

this chapter dedicated for m1nmimin ❤❤ 

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