11: sunrise return

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"The plane was ready to take off"

The pilot said with the speaker announcing the landing of the plane I'm riding on.

I immediately fix my things to my bag hurriedly, as my phone was blowing up with many notifications from Junghwan.

Noona, where are you the ceremony was about to start...


I sigh again, and didn't bother to text back since I already fixing myself with make up, atleast to look more presentable.


Once I get down from the long stairs, I started running out of airport and ride with a cab. There I continue putting my earrings while tracking to the venue.

I stop at the midst, while thinking what necklace should I wear...i draw my own smile staring at that one necklace and started putting it on my neck, I struggle for a sec, but manage immediately.

The cab stopped, thinking I already reached my destination.

"Ma'am I'm really sorry, my car broke down" the driver suddenly uttered cursing himself.

In surprised, I get off the cab and saw the flat tire. I sigh and just thank the driver who was fully devastated as well.

I started running to the near church with my heels!!

God, I'm really late, Jeongwoo would really smack the shit out of me.

I started feeling sorry for being late.

With the difficulties of running in heels, I take it off, as I saw a bike parked at my way.

"Omygod! I'm really sorry kid! I swear I give it back!!" And begin paddling.

The girl was too stunned to speak watching her bike being use by me; a total stranger.

I started paddling it fast with my dress, with my heels being held with my hand. The fresh wind of Korea I was longing for, slapped at my face.

God I miss this.

My hair started to wave along the air. For the past 9 years, I never ride a bike this fast and all I could is pray that I could set my foot before the bell ring.


I heard the bell ring just distance away from my position, cursing myself.

I panted, after ceasing the bike at the front of the said church. I smiled and brush my self approaching the BEAUTIFUL entrance.

White flowers, red carpet, and the altar.

I wide my smile even more, as I hastened my step to the front heaving a deep breath.

I'm nervous, and I dont know why.

I put the heels at the floor that make a disturbing sound drawing an attention from the visitors.

I waved awkwardly and started looking for my sit and saw Junghwan waving his hand gesturing me to sit with him.

"What the heck happened to you noona??" He whispered.

If you only know...

"Long story" I whispered back.


I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough
We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up

… Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest

… I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

Then with the angelic voice of Bang Yedam, everything stops.

All eyes on her,

All attention for her,

His smile only for her,

The white long gown I dreamed, was being wore by her.

Yang Wonyoung.

"she looks so beautiful. Isn't she?"

I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

While the music, we used to sing with a guitar I gave for him every break time, under the mango tree was being sang by our senior who we idolized so much.

There, my eyes being cloud with tears, feeling a big lump on my throat and chuckled.

"N-noona..." Junghwan trailed beside me, concerned.

"Aww look who lied being single forever..." I joked and nudge him with my elbow wiping my tears away.

Just say you wont let go~

Dedicated for orange_ladybug

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