02: as a friend

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"Cleaners for to--"


the bell ring echoed through the entire hall, to their classroom.

Students begin to take their bag and quickly ran through the exit escaping the daily chores who was required every dismissal.

Stampede occur among the crowds.

"Hey, watch ou--"

Sol didn't had chance to warn her classmates as someone seized her arms and dragged her down out of the classroom.

"Jeongwoo, I'm a cleaner for today!" She informed the boy at the front of her running slowly so she could catch up.

"I don't care. Let's eat tteobeokki as my promised!"


Nah, forget cleaning Sol.

She thought and smile. Sol started running while her eyes grimace at Jeongwoo's wavy hair being blew by the air of the late afternoon sky.

He held her hands tightly while crossing the street. Sauntered to the nearest korean restaurant who was only a few meters away from their school.

"Your treat!" She remind her bestfriend after smelling the grilled meat who greeted them inside.

The fast food chain was pretty small. With a Neon letters say open 24hours above the entrance. With just 4-6 tables being scattered around the store, you can roamed around without even walking. You could see the photogenic wall, an aesthetic lamps, and designed tables with different flowers above.

After all, they just open last 2 months ago.


Soonly, the awaited dish came to their table being delivered by one of the waitress.

They both drooled to tteobeokki and other side dish on the table laying peacefully.

"You both lovers enjoyed the food!" The familiar middle-aged owner ms. Yoon uttered with the welcoming smile on her face.

"Aishh ajumma again we ar--" before she could complained Jeongwoo spoke.

"Yes we will ajumma!"

A single woman in her 40's Ms. Yoon cannot help but to get amazed how this two was so oblivious with their feeling to each other, and will hide it with 'as a friend' things. She always knows it, she can see it through eyes.

Sol give him a what-is-that-all-about-look though, he just shrugged and started eating. She shook her head multiple times shooing away the thoughts she shouldn't thinking.

"Hmmm! This ish amajinn" Jeongwoo closed his eyes feeling the flavor savoring his tongue.

Every late afternoon of 4 pm, where the near school would ring every dismissal, there always gonna be a two students would approached the small store excitedly. It was Sol and Jeongwoo who people sometimes assumed as a young couples for the way how they treat each other.

She chuckled stared at him.

"Once I graduate, I would never forget this place!" She almost shouted, As Sol kept slurping the food.

"Definitely! This is so much, you know, memorable. After we graduate let's go here and you should treat me" Jeongwoo uttered.

"Sure. And the next time we will eat here, you're gonna have a dinner with just..." she trailed. "A SUCCESSFUL DOCTOR NAM SOL AND ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING SURGEON IN KOREA!" She said it in bliss as she imagine everything inside her head, with her eyes sparkling right through.

"Yeah! And I'll bragged it to everyone!" He said.

They both laughed.

"Hmm...once I come back in Korea, would our classmate still knew me?"

That's when their table change atmosphere within just a seconds. Silence.

Park Jeongwoo chew his food silently, feeling an thump through his heart.

He knew how much his bestfriend  dreamed about studying abroad. Sol was kind of a girl who was full of dreams, full of goals, and one of it was becoming a doctor and going far away...from him.

"Oh, c'mon I will come back anyway you know how I will miss...Korea" he still pout with her cheering word. "And you, and your annoying ass" she flicked his forehead.

He heaved sigh and roll his eyes sweeping the sadness who interrupt their moment.

"I won't miss you."

It was her turn to roll her eyes. Cause she knew he will.

As a friend.


Someone's phone vibrate, Sol fished for her mobile from her pocket.

"Hello?" She greeted with her phone beside her ear. "...oh...I see...I will, bye love you"

Jeongwoo eat silently, waiting for Sol to end the call. Curious, as he want to confirmed that someone she said 'love you' to."

"Who was that?" He asked as soon Sol put the phone down. He clenched the chopstick from his grasp, growing impatient for his bestfriend to answer.

"It was my mom" she calmly muttered and continued eating.


he internally said phew he almost embarrassed himself there and almost broke the metal chopstick.

After a few minutes a group of not-so-drunk young men, approached to them.

"Can I get your number miss?"

One of them offered his phone to Sol who looked so helpless doesn't know how to handle things.


"Ehem, No." Jeongwoo sternly said while glaring and pushed the man's phone away.

"Oh are you her boyfriend?"



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