10: sunset says goobye

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Jeongwoo's pov

"Congratulations graduates!"

Sol lifted her hat and wave it as a cue to do the same as her. We stand from our sit cheered in bliss.


I mouthed to my bestfriend  while watching her walked down the stage and excitedly run to my direction.

She embrace me so tight that all I could feel is that our heart pounding beyond it's usual pace.

Dudug! Dudug! Dudug!

'God, I love her.'

I return the big hug with the word of 'I'll miss you'

As much I want to enjoy this ceremony, I couldn't help but to feel upset, down a little bit.

But as long she was holding me tight, I know I could rely on her own promise 'I'll be back'

Yes she will. And all I have to do is wait. Wait.

A few of programs, and CONGRATULATIONS! We received before the ceremony end.

I grew impatient I want to spend more time with her.

I approach to her direction with her mom, as she congratulate me with her honey voice I bowed as my gratitude.

A few moments later, Sol show up and held my hand.

"Let's go?"

And there, we run down to the street across our school while still on our academically dress.



the driver shouted at us when we are about to cause an accident.

We both shook our head and bowed on sync while laughing on our own stupidness.

"Ajuhmah! We just graduated!" Sol shouted greeting the middle age owner ms. Yoon.

I just face palmed myself when all te costumer inside the restaurant turn their attention towards us after Sol's shout.

"Aigoo you both..." she hugged us then, pinched our cheeks. "Congratulation!" Ms. Youn uttered like a dearing mother.

Afterall throughout our highschool life, and became a regular costumer here, we became more closed to each other and became her children she didn't wished she'll had.

Sol and I started ordering.

"This time, it was treat hmm?" Sol assured after we ordered.

I just nod and messed with her bun.

"Aigoo! You grew up so fast Sol! Remember the time you almost stabbed my hand with your pencil in second grade?" I recall as I chuckle.

The first time I met this girl, she was weirdest classmate I ever had. She would cry a lot everytime her doll will lost. She was the loudest student that Mr. Kim usually becoming the cause of his headache.

"I didn't mean it! You said my doll is ugly at that time!"

"It was...and what's her name again?" I asked in teasing tone.

She rolled her eyes before she answered "Sun"

I chuckled, I remember how much she was inlove with the sunrise and sunset.

My hand involuntary travel onto my pocket where a small box was inside.

My heart was pounding fast. And I just know why.

"Right. Sun." I smiled while clutching for the box under the table.

Within a moment, I wish I could just stop the time and stare for more of her smile.

"Are you okay?" Sol asked checking my temperature with her palm on my forehead.

Do I look not?

"Yeah, why?"

"You're sweating"

I manage to wiped my sweats, and act like I'm not nervous at all.

"London was not that far." I randomly uttered.

"Yup, just...miles away. And before you would even know, I would be on your front." She said assuring me.

I'm suck at geography and that's may the reason why I could easily manage to smile at her words.

"And 4 years was not that long." I uttered again. I dont know if I'm saying this for her or for myself.

'Four years, and I'll be back with big hugs'

That's what Sol promised. And with that, it's the only thing that would reassured me.

"In just a short time bub--"

"We are already at the altar. You as my bride."

It was cheesy, but I'm happy I said it. It created a blush on her face.

High five Park Jeongwoo!

Weird, cause when it's time to lost her, I was realising I'm ready to be loved by her.

"You know," she looked at me paying her all attention after my word, "I always think I dont deserve love...I guess because I knew you so much to the point that I can't help myself."

"Jeongwoo...you know that how much you are worth to me-"

"I know, I know, but it's not easy for someone who see himself as a failure-"

"You. Aren't. A. Failure. Bub, listen you always worth it to be loved. If you feel insecure tell me and i wont stop telling you how much I'm proud of you."

I smile sadly.

Still, I was unable to cheer myself up. 

"You wont forget me right?"

I asked and laugh.

"How in the hell would I forget my loud bestfriend Hmm?"

I just roll my eyes and shrugged.

I messed up with her bun again.

I will totally miss you.

"Ehem, um, uh," I close my eyes trying not to stumble upon my words. "I saw this thing, and it suddenly remember me of you" I briefly said.

My hand made a way to her front and give her a blue small box contains just...a necklace that had a design of a sun.

"Bub, I know it's ugl--"

"Wow! Bub this is sooo beautiful!!" She squealed, while eyes sparkling at the box and excitedly put them on her neck struggling.

"Aishhh..." I get up from my chair as I went behind Sol helping her out. "The salelady said, it was a symbol of 'waiting' tss funny cause I bought it immediately just because of the sun. How come sun could be the symbol of waiting? Well, i guess im dumb for not listening to her."

She chuckled hearing my short story.

"Just like how many sunsets have past, that person was willing to wait like how the sunrise does"


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