03: the mango tree

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Sol's pov


Six letters was being engrave upon the mango tree. With the difficulties of writing a word with just a sharp pebble against the hard wood, there was my name vaguely displayed.

The mango tree located at the front of the school where a large grass field surrounds with it. It was always crowded especially every break time.

I tried to design it with a little flower beside, since I'm growing bored waiting for Jeongwoo. Who is probably busy begging for the librarian to let him borrow another comic book.

Suddenly, my sight turn black with a warm cover upon my eyes, I smiled and touch his hand with mine.

"Oppss, did I make you wait too long" his familiar voice whispered on my ear sending tingling sensation upon my body.

"No. actually you just came in time sir!"

Please note the sarcasm on it.

Jeongwoo chuckled and looked behind me  curiously confirming those vague letters, and mouthed my name upon the tree.

"Nam Sol"

The way my name rolled down to his tongue I cannot help but to feel thrilled with it, as always.

He snatched the sharp pebble from my grasp and started to write something beside it.

I watched him having a difficult time writing something against the hard wood.

"Hey stop messing with it, I worked hard for it!" I whined.

"Why did you write this anyway?"

"I'm bored, waiting for you."

After a few minutes,

Jeongwoo finally let go for the small pebble who fell on the grass. As he admire his work and grinned.


I sharpened my eyes to those words who was hardly to be read.

'Nam Sol ☀️, Park Jeongwoo ♡"

I was puzzle with the little flowering at the end. Um, a...heart?

"Great right?" He smiled waiting for the praise.

I tilted my head and automatically giggle internally with the heart shaped enliven our name.

"Yeah sure, Nam Sol, Park Jeongwoo and a...heart?" I can't help but to asked out of confusion ruining my own bliss.

"Yeah. Friendship stand for love!" He innocently said merrily.

My lips formed in thinned line avoiding the predictable reaction.

Right. A friend. Nam Sol you. are. just his friend. Reminder.


I let my sight landed at his side profile, and silently admire it for awhile. God, how universe can be this beautiful.

Yes, I like my bestfriend; Park Jeongwoo.

I used to deny it in early part of our friendship, but the more I discover more of him, I was there, falling inlove on someone who can't love me back. I knew myself he see me just his bestfriend. Who he trusted so much with his secrets, tears, and problems.

I knew his weakness in blood. I knew how he fear dogs. I knew how he hate rain. I knew his schedule on his nail biting. I knew him very well, more than I knew my position as his bestfriend.

Though I'm refusing to embrace the label.

"Hey you guys!" Haruto ran from behind cheerfully greeted us and with our other friend followed after.

Junghwan noticed our name on the tree and give the two of us a teasing look.

"You know what noona? If I didn't knew you guys are bestfriend, I would probably think you guys are couple!" Junghwan grinned.

"I know right!" Haruto agreed. "You guys are just unofficially dating...that's why."

I rolled my eyes to them, maybe I could avoid it from giggling on their remark.

"What are you doing here Hwanie? Aren't you suppose to be on your stroller?" I teased back.

"Hey I'm not a baby!" He pout.

"Lmao--" Haruto laughed reminding us his existence.

Jeongwoo laughed. "Oh an another baby talk, Do you want me to bring you lunchbox?"

"What the fuck, Again, I was older than you by mo--" Haruto almost defend himself.

"Ssh, ssh, aww our babies talking!" I acted like a daring mother pissing the two off.

Jeongwoo joined me in teasing as we both pinched their flawless cheeks playfully.

"Ugh! Hyung!" Junghwan groaned stomping his feet on the grass like an actual child.

"I hate you guys!" Then Haruto sulked after.

"HAHA!" We both chanted in laughed.


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