12: let go...

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"Congrats hyung!!!" Junghwan cutely run to approach the groom with a big hug after the ceremony.

He looks sooo happy. And that's somehow hurt me how genuinely it was.

Jeongwoo hugged the boy back, where his sight landed at me being behind Junghwan.

"Y-you came!" He started with a mixed of shock and bliss.

"Of course I will! Why wouldn't I?" I manage not to sound awkward.

Damn, he does learn about the empty promises I usually said, Jeongwoo got enough about me lying for over 9 years.

Lying sometimes worth it, but this time, it didn't worked for me.

I'm sorry.

"I thought you can't come..." his voice i missed alot becames more deeper and matured; enough to know, I missed alot aren't I?

"Well...surprised!" I faked my smile to the point I have to show all my teeth to look it more natural.

He thought I wouldn't come. Im so so so sorry.

"Yah, Nam Sol...bub thanks for coming" Jeongwoo muttered genuinely happy with my presence and even mess up with my hair.


"Aishh stop messing with my hair! Anyways, Park Jeongwoo CONGRATULATIONS!!"  I exclaimed to atleast to cover up the dryness of our conversation.

"AHHAHHAHA, does London didn't changed you for being so loud?"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

The silence visited. Well not with the people from our back busy celebrating and congratulating the bride.

"Hey, they might looking for y--"

My sentence cut off when Jeongwoo noticed something on my appearance. Something I instantly regretted.

"You still had that necklace?" He chuckled a bit though it was on sad tone.

The boy at my front was too stunned to speak waiting for my answer, awe started to form in his eyes maybe imagining what could've be my response.

"Oh this? N-No, it already broked. I accidentally...you know, broke the lace with my clumsy hand. You knew how clumsy I am right? Hah, I just had to buy another with the same design." 

The sincerity was not there in the first place for him to looked for. 

"You're lying" and I'm fucked up. "It was the same necklace I gave to you on our graduation day."


"I knew it very well..." he said in calm matter, but with a hidden guilty on it.

Hah, I was exposed. At that point I would have feel embarrassed for keeping the thing which will reminisce the past that he probably tried to forget. But no. Instead, I feel so ...appreciated? Cause he still remember the thing he gave to me.

We were both in awe.

"Well, it's just...beautiful. I just found this necklace suit on me a lot. Aren't I? And plus, it's  a symbol of our friendshi--"

"It was a symbol of waiting."

And I guess, he was right. Jeongwoo was right.

I'm still waiting. His words nine years ago was still vivid on my mind making my situation worst.

"Sol...bub..." His eyes is watery and about to fall on his cheek.

I gulped, again and again. Now the tear started to form on my eyes as it sync with his.

Now, my throat feel so much better after letting go of that I tear I've been holding on.


"I-I'm sorry. I get tired of waiting, I get it if you were angry to m--" he apoligized stumbling with his words.

"Shh, shh, I'm not bub. It's never been your obligation to wait for me, waiting without assurance is tiring and it was me; the problem. I wasn't there when you needed me the most, I wasn't there for you when I should have to, and it's just happened that it have to be someone else and not me. Nine Years ago I should have stayed, but I didnt. You dont deserve someone that can't meet her promises, and kept giving you an empty assurances. You need someone who can give you the quality time, that I failed to provide for you.

"I was so caught up with my dream and future when I didn't realised I'm already losing you, who was supposed to be my future...I was dumb there, and yet young. It was not the fate to be blame, but me. I was not enough. I failed to be enough. And for you, waiting me for over a years, that makes fate made it's decision. I was not the right person. So please stop blaming yourself with what happened, and be happy with your life. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. It just a coincidence that you have to meet me as your bestfriend.

I think that 9 years ago was already enough to experienced the kind of being loved by you."

I was crying. I hate myself for that. Every word I said there was like a hammer slowly breaking my heart, my soul.

Now that I'm done saying all the things that are half truth, half lie, all I could imagine is that my heart just shattered in pieces. And wouldn't be able to mend for awhile. or never.

"But it wasn your fault and never been, I think thats how fate play. Thanks for everything Sol" Jeongwoo hugged me.

One last tight hug. And I think I could let you go now.

"You know what, I always enjoyed loving you bub"

Why is that, now that Im ready to stay,

I lost you.

dedicated for azaeiae and zra_ze

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