Gabby+Zac = Love?

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"So how big does her party get?" I asked him.

"pretty big." He answered."Almost everyone from our school will be there and I bet other people would be there too."

"oh, will her parents be there too?" I asked him.

He laughed. "No." We drove in silence for a few minutes and then he stopped.

"why we stopping?" I asked him.

He laughed. "cause were here."


"Gabby listen, I know these parties can get a little crazy so stay clear on people you dont know and do not I repeat do not take drinks from a stranger. Got it?"

I nodded.

"ok then," he said. "lets go."

We got out of the car and the closer we got the bigger the house got.

"wow," I said. "how rich are her parents?"

"Stacy's grandfather invented something and he got a lot of money and left all of it to Stacy's parents."

"oh, thats nice. What did he invite?"

"i dont remember."

We finally got to the door and Zac ringed the doorbell.

The music was so loud I wonder if anyone could even hear the bell ringing. But then someone did open the door but it wasnt Stacy who answered it wasnt even Jen, it was a guy I didnt recognize but he seems to recognize Zac.

"Hey Zac my man," he said shaking Zac's hand. "whose your hot date?" He asked looking at me.

"hey Adam" Zac said stepping in the house. "This is Gabby and shes not my date."

"well then this Is my lucky night. Hey Gabby Im Adam"

"ya I heard." And thats when I saw Jen talking to Eliza and Louise.

"hey Zac," I said. "im going to go talk to Jen so...."

"ok, can you meet me here back here in lets say for hours?" He asked.

"sure but don't get drunk since your driving." I said walking to Jen and she waved at me.

"hey girl." she said.

"hey, wheres Lisa?" I asked.

"i don't know," Louise said. "Shes probably fucking someone in one of the rooms upstairs.

I almost chocked. "LISA" I yelled.

"ya," Eliza said. "Lisa is no saint, when you put some alcohol in her she goes wild."

Wow, I never would of guess.

"You want a beer?" Louise asked.

"no but I am thirsty."

"Hey Gabby, you finally made it." Zeke said.

"oh hey Zeke." I said said smiling.

"so babe, heard you were thirsty."


"come with me then and ill show you were the drinks are."

"okay" I said waving to the girls before walking away,with Zac."

"so what would you like to drink?" He asked me.

"is there any coke or pepsi."

"oh you so you don't drink?"

"well I kinda made a deal with Darlene. She said I could only go to this party if I didnt drink and I agreed cause this would be my very first high school party."

"Wait so you never been to a high school party?"

"to tell you the truth ive never been to a school ive been home schooled all my life."

"Well, to tell you the truth if you go to a high school party then it wouldn't be a full experience if you dont." He said handing me a beer.

"i told her I wouldnt." I said hesitating to drink the beer.

"come on," he said. "she would totally understand and if she does, whats the worst that can happen?"

I thought about his words for a minute before deciding to open the beer to drink it.

It was...digusting. But I kept on drinking it.

"now thats a good girl." I rolled my eyes.

The party goes on and by now I was on my seventh beer and I didn't feel so good but I didnt complain. I didnt see Zac anywhere though but I was dancing with Zeke and Jen bumped into me.

"i think im drunk." She slurred.

"i think your drunk too." I slurred too.

"shuttup, your drunk too."

"im not--" I started to say but I covered my mouth and ran up the stairs to the nearest bathroom.

I kneeled near the toilet and threw up like my life depended on it.

Yup im definetly gonna regret this tomorrow.

"Gabby?" Someone knocked on the door.


"No its Zac."

"Zac, I dont feel so great."

"Gabby open the door."

I tried to get up but I kinda slipped and I giggled.

I found the knob and I opened the door.

"Gabby are you ok?"

"ya im--" but I couldnt finish since I ended up throwing up.

Zac didnt say anything, he pulled my hair back so it would be easier to throw up.

"i cant believe your drunk."

"shuttup, im not drunk, im fine I just need another beer." I said gettin out of the bathroom and going down the stairs when I feel someone following me.

"Gabby we need to go home." By now we were in the kitchen and I grabbed another beer.

"Gabby stop drinking."

"stop being a party pooper and let me have my fun." I finished drinking the beer and I kinda feel better.

"you shouldn't be drinking that much--" but I couldn't understand what he was saying since my world became black and I couldnt hear anything all together

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