Gabby+Zac =Love?

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Gabby's POV

"Whats wrong?" Zac asked me on our way to school. Cant believe vacation is over.

"Nothing, just that kind worried what everyone will say about us."

"I dont care just as long as Im with you." He kissed my hand and parked in front of the school.

I sighed and Zac opened the passenger door for me. Aw what a gentleman.

"I love you."

"I love you too." We kissed in the middle of the parking lot and few heads turn our way. I didnt give a fuck about what they say as long as im with Zac.

We walked to school hand in hand. I wasnt surprise that Jen's eyes was bugging out of their eyes.

"YOU AND ZAC....TOGETHER." I swear she was going to have a heart attack. I tried to avoid her all day but she conered me at my locker. Damn.


"when did this happen?"

"Before vacation."


"Sorry? It just happened and its not like weve talked to each other over vacation."

"Actuallly I tried to tell you like ten times everyday but i kept on getting your voicemail."

Really? I dont remember my phone ringing all week but i have been distracted by Zac and...Oh crap. I see why I didn't hear my phone ringing cause Me and Zac...yeah.


"What?" I said blushing.

"What the fuck where you thinking about that got you blushing?"

"Not--thing." I stuttered. Damn why did i have to stutter.

"Your a bad liar. Tell me."

"Its nothing."

"Come on I thought we were friends."

"We are its nothing." She didn't look so convince.

"How was your vacation?" I was trying to distract her cause sometimes people can see right thru me.

"It was okay. Just hung out with the girls. Trying to find a boyfriend and having to deal with Stacy all week was a real pain. But how was your vacation? Did anything interesting with Zac?" Jen looks hilarious wagging her eyebrows. I almost laughed.

"No." I said blushing.



"Sorry but you are going to tell me right now what happened with you and Zac? And what happened with you and David? Does that mean hes Single?."

"Me and David never went out. We were very good friends and trust me he likes someone else."

"Okay, so did you get with Zac cause David rejected you?"

"No, actually he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Wait im so confuse. I thought he liked someone else."

"Ok I actually liked Zac before I met David but i didn't think he liked me and so David asked me for my number and he called me asking me out and we started hanging out but i didn't feel anyting for him that had me thinking that we were more than friends. Then on Friday the day of vacation we went out and he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said no cause i could see he liked someone else and i knew he didn't like me like that and when i went home i saw Zac and me and know."


"Um ya but thats not all."

"Made out?"

"No lets just say he hit a homerun."

"Wait, you guys....?"


"Was he your first?" I nodded.

"How was it?"


She laughed. "Thats good."

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