Gabby+Zac =Love?

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Gabby's POV

"So Zeke how was your vacation?" We were at the house sitting on the couch waiting for Zac to come back with the movie.

"It was Ok."

"What did you do?"

"I went to my parents beach house with my parents in florida." He frown.

"You didn't have a good time?" I guessed

"Its not that, me and my parents are not in good terms."

"Oh, why?"

"Cause they expect too much of me and i tried to tell them that im not perfect."

"Do they know?" I asked.

"Know what?" Oops i forgot that he doesnt know that i know hes gay.

"That your not perfect."

He laughed. "I guess not." It was silence.

"Um Zeke, I know."

"Know what?"

"About you being gay." I whispered the last part.

"Zac told you." It wasnt a question.

"Kind of. Look its ok you can trust me. You know that guy i went on a date with?" He nodded. "Hes gay too."

"Oh Im sorry Gabby."

"Why? im not, i have Zac now." It was silenced again.

"When did you find out you were gay?" i asked.

"Well the only reason im a 'player' is i guess all the girls ive been with didn't make me feel anything. i thought it was them but last summer I went to Colorado and i met this guy and we kiss and i felt something then we sort of hooked up and it felt so right."

"Wait did you say Colorado?"

"Ya, why?"

"No reason. I heard its really beautiful up there."

He laughed. "It is." But i wasn't listening to him. David told me the same story about Colorado. Did Zeke and David hook up?

"So did you have feelings for him?" He nodded.

"Ya he made me feel special."

"Okay i couldn't find Gothika but I found Madea goes to Jail and i know how Gabby hates scary movies so this is perfect." Zeke and I looked up and Zac was holding up the movie.

"Perfect." I said.

"So ive learn something interesting today." I told Zac after Zeke left. Madea is my shero, i love all Madea movies they always make me pee in my pants.

"Whats that?"

"Okay so remember David?" He nodded. "I think he and Zeke hooked up."

His mouth was wide open along with his eyes. "How do you know."

"Well today Zeke told me he hooked up with a guy in Colorado and a week ago David told me the same thing."


"Ya, i think we should get them together."

"What? Why?"

"Cause their our friends and they deserve happiness."

"David is not my friend."

"Okay but hes mine and Zeke is your friend your very best friend from preschool."

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