Gabby+Zac= Love?

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Gabby's POV

"Are you going to miss them?" I asked him on the drive home.

"I guess but its every teenage dream to have a house to themselves for a whole month." He almost screamed. I can see that he is excited that their leaving.

"Ya I guess. I cant wait for paintballing I havent done that in a while."

"You are one of a kind." I blushed.

We reached home and we got out of the car. I was practically jumping up and down with excitement. Zac rolled his eyes at me.

We went inside and Darlene was in the living room putting clothes on Liam.

"Hey darlene." I said at the same time Zac said, "Hey mom."

"Hey you guys, how was school?" She asked.

"Fine" I said at the same time Zac said, "okay."

we looked at each other and i rolled my eyes.

"Lennie (Zac's dad)" Darlene yelled. "Its time to go."

In a second he came to the living room. "Hey we cant all fit in one car so why dont Zac and Gabby follow us to the paintball place." He said.

"Ok." I agreed.

We went outside and we got in seperate cars.

"Can you stop that?" He said irritated.

"stop what?" I asked confused.

"Stop being so giddy its annoying."

"Your annoying."

"Whatever you say."

We reached the place and we parked beside his parents.

"urgh he goes nothing." He muttered.

"Oh come on. Your going to have fun." I said touching his hand and I regretted it. Sparks flew through my fingers, my arm and every part of my body. I think he felt it too cause we both let go at the same time.

"Are you a Vampire?" I asked him seriously.

He laughed and tears was running down his eyes. "No." He said when he stop laughing. "but I do sparkle in the sunlight." He said wagging his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and followed his parents inside.

He was still chuckling when we got inside. Can you blame me for thinking he was a vampire? In twilight when Edward talked to Bella for the first time in science class and they were doing that microscope shit and when she and Edward touch she felt a spark of some sort like I did with Zac. Im a fan of twilight but im not obessed with it. I love the books but despise the movie. I saw it 20 times in 5 different language. That is my only reason why that happen between us. I mean what else could it be?

We were going to play with a group of people. We were going to play in teams and we couldnt decide how we should divide and so we decided to boy vs. girl and it was pretty even. We got our equipment and so let the game begin.

I was having so much fun even though I kept getting hit. Let me tell you, it hurts when you get hit. Right now im looking for somewhere to hide. I saw the perfect hidden spot and if I get there without being notice ill be so happy. I looked around and headed to my hiding spot. I was walking so fast but i sense someone following me and I turned around and sighed.

"Zac." I said with my hand up in defeat. "I dont want to play anymore I got hit too many times."

He laughed. "Alls fair in love and war."

I rolled my eyes. "whatever." I backed up but I somehow tripped on my feet and I closed my eyes waiting for my body to make contact with the floor but it never happened and I opened my eyes to see two arms wrapped around me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Ya im fine."

"so where were we?" He asked. "oh now I remember." He said point his paintball at me.

"Please Zac?" I begged.

he thought about it for a second. "Nah."

"Pwety please." I said using my baby voice and I stepped closer to him. we were so close I could feel his breath on me and I resist the urge to kiss him. We were sooo close. He dropped his gun and he put his hand on my face pulling me closer to him. My heart was beating faster and faster. Oh my god im about to kiss Zac! Are lips were so close to touching.

"Zac? Gabby?" I hear Darlene yelling for us.

"Crap." He muttered. I pulled away.

"We should go."

We came out of our hidden spot and Darlene spotted us.

"Hey where were you guys?" She asked us.

"Hidden." Zac answered.

"Ok, you guys ready?"

"ya." We said at the same time.

"ok were going to get out of these and we will meet in front, ok?" We nodded.

Me and Zac went to the dressing room to get change. We had to wear those protective suits so we wont get our clothes wet with paint and doesnt hurt as much. As I was getting change, the Zipper got stuck on my suit. Great just great. Thankfully Zac was next to me getting change in the next stall.

"Zac?" I Yelled in a whisper.


"The zipper is stuck."


"ya the zipper in the suit is stuck and I need your help."

"Ok hold on." And a second later I hear a knock. I opened the stall door and Zac stood there with his pants and NO shirt. Let me tell you he had an AMAZING body and I knew I was drolling but I couldnt help it.

"Are you going to let me in or do you want to rape my body with your eyes?" I blushed and he chuckled.

I let him in and he told me to turn around.

He tried to unzip it and the zipper went down. I sighed with relief and took off the suit revieling my bra and undies, we couldnt wear our clothes under the suit.

"Thanks." I said.

"Your welcome." He said getting redder and redder.

"You can go now." And he turned around to leave.

Ahh Zac, how oh so confusing you are. Why does boys always have to be like that?

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