Gabby+Zac= Love?

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"Do you know how long I wanted to do that?" Asked Zac breathlessly. I was now laying on his chest and he was stroking my hair.

"What have sex?"

"No. I just wanted to kiss you or be with you."

"For how long?"

"Since I saw you in your kitchen."

"Wow really?"


"Zac, Im so glad I lost it to you."

"Gabby I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed him passionatly and he got on top of me and we...lets say we showed our love to each other.

Zac's POV

Gabby is amazing. If I knew love like this existed maybe I wouldnt be such a player but now I have Gabby and maybe she wouldnt be so judgemental about my past.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me. We were in my room watching Paranormal Activies 2. To tell you the truth Gabby kinda moved in to my room. Half her stuff is here. I think I wouldnt be able to sleep without Gabby by myself but I dont think my parents would let Gabby sleep in my room. Oh god my parents. What would they think about me and Gabby dating?

"About how much I love you."

"Aw." Her lips felt so soft on mines.

"What do you think people will say at school when they find out about us?"

"Forget about them. What about my parents? Should we tell them?"

"Oh god. What would Darlene think? Do you think they would approve?" Her eyes had some sadness in them.

"You know what? I dont care if they dont approve, they cant keep me away from you."

"Thats really sweet Zac but I dont want you to go fighting with your parents."

"Dont worry about it." I pulled her closer to me and crash my lips to hers.

I stopped the kiss and she looks at me confusingly. "Gabby I know I havent officially asked you out so Gabby would you like to be my girlfriend."

She thought about it for a second and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, I would love to be you girlfriend."


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