Gabby+Zac =Love?

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"What do you think of this?" I asked her holding up a green shirt.

"Its pretty." She mumbled

I sighed. "You said that for everyone thing I showed you." She shrugged.

I sighed again. "Im sorry your not having fun, I thought this would help you."

"Thank you Gabby I mean it but I can't stop thinking about him."

"Its going to be hard to forget but you have to try."

She nodded and a tear fell on her cheek but she quickly wiped it off and gave me a tiny smile. I smiled back.

"Darlene I need to---" But i was interrupted by a deep voice behind Darlene. "Darlene is that you?" The deep voice said and Darlene turned around.

"Oh my god, Shawn is that you?"

"Yep its me."

"I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know I miss you." They hugged and I cleared my throat.

"Oh Im sorry Gabby. Gabby this is an old friend Shawn and Shawn this is my friend's kid Gabby."

"Its nice to meet you." He said extended his hands and I shook it.

We smiled at each other.

"How long are you here?" She asked him.

"Actually I just bought a house here."

"Really?" He nodded. "Does your wife think its a good idea?"

"Actually Im divorce."

"Oh Im sorry."

"Ya what about you. You still with Lennie?"

I looked at Darlene curiously wondering how she going to answer. "We are seperated." She said.

"Oh Im sorry."

"Thats okay. We were just not meant to be."

"Well let me give you my number. You should call me sometimes and we could grab dinner."

She nodded as he handed her a card and he left the store.

I turned to Darlene. "He's cute." I said.

She rolled her eyes.

It was true. He had most of his hair and he is very fit for someone his age. He looks 30 instead of whatever age he was.

Darlene grabbed my hair. "Lets go to forever 21."

Is that a smile I see?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2011 ⏰

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