Gabby+Zac = Love?

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Waking up without Zac felt weird and not right but i cant not worry about that right now, not what just happened last night. I can't believe that happened and why did it have to happen to Darlene. She didn't deserve it. I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I passed the kitchen table and saw Liam and Phoebe sitting there.

"When did you guys get home?" I asked hugging them.

"Last night." Answered Liam.

"Who let you in?"


"Ok how long have you guys been down here."

"10 minutes, mommy usually make us breakfast."

"Mommy is a little busy right now so what would you like for breakfast?"

"Pancakes." They said together.

I got the ingredients for pancakes and started working. I made some for Phoebe and Liam and more for Zac, Darlene and myself.

I finished making them and placed it in front of them and then Zac walked.

"Good morning." I said kissing his cheeks.

"Is it?"

"Ya did you sleep well?"



"Couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night."

"Oh im sorry."

"Why its not your fault."

I didnt know what to do so i just put my arms around his shoulder.

"Do you want some pancakes?"

"No thanks im not hungry."

"Yes you are. Come on. EAT."

"No." i got some pancakes and put syrup on top and i tried to make Zac eat it but its not working.

"Open up." He shook his head.

I tickled him making him laugh and when his mouth was open i shoved the pancakes in his mouth.

"Chew." I said holding his lips shut.

He started chewing. "Are you happy now and---OH MY GOD these are fantastic. I didn't know you can cook."

"Theres a lot you didnt know about me Zac."

He rolled his eyes and i kissed his cheeks.

"Wheres mommy?" Little Phoebe asked.

Me and Zac looked at each other and i see pain cross his face but it was quickly gone.

"Like i said before shes a little busy right now but shes gonna come down soon."

Wow speaking of Darlene hear she comes. It was silence and all eyes followed her. I feel bad for her. She doesnt look herself today. She was still wearing her pajimas and her bathrob over it and her eyes were all puffy and her hair was in a messy bun.

"Good morning Darlene."

"Is it?"

"Mommy." Liam and Phoebe ran into her arms.

"Hey when did you guys get here?"

"Last night."


"Wheres daddy?" My eyes snapped up. Uh oh. Darlene's eyes got all watery and she started crying.

I put my arms around her. "Its okay Darlene."

"Im going back to bed." I watched her walk away.

"Whats wrong with mommy?" Liam asked.

"Shes just a little upset right now. Come on finish your breakfast." I looked at Zac who hadn't said anything. He was gripping the table and his hands were balled in to a fist.

"Calm down sweatheart." I said kissing his cheeks. "I'll go talk to her."

I walked upstairs and i knocked on her door.

She didn't answer. "Darlene? Its me Gabby Open up." She still didn't answer. I tried the knob and it was unlock. I opened her door and i almost cried at what i saw. Darlene was lying on her bed crying her eyes out.

"Come on don't be sad. It would be okay." She didn't say anything.

"Darlene, come on get up. Oh i have an idea, lets go shopping. It always takes your mind off things." Nothing but silence.

"Please Darlene, for me."

"Fine." She muttered.

I smiled. "Perfect."

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