Gabby+Zac = Love?

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I was upstairs trying to pack my stuff in my "new" room letting the grown ups downstairs to talk. I touched my necklace thinking of my mother.

I don't really remember her feautures that well since she died when i was 10 but the pictures my father showed me of her says i look just like her.

"Gabby, can you come down here a minute" I heard my father calling me from downstairs.

"Sure" I yelled back.

I was walking down the stairs when i saw there was someone in the kitchen talking to my father but i couldn't see their face since his back was to me.

When i reach my father he smiled at me and said "Gabby you remember Zac William, dont you? you guys use to play all the time when you were little."

Then Zac turned around and i stopped breathing. He was the most goergous guy i ever seen in my life and he has the most beautiful blue eyes i ever seen.

"Hi Gabby." i like how he says my name, it sounds sexier.

" I---uh---ya----hi" I stuttered and i blushed looking at the ground.

And he smirks at me. Great what does that mean? Can he read my mind?

"Hi Zac" I finally said a minute later.

"Roger can you help me a minute." My setpmom yelled from the other room.

"Sure" My dad replied leaving me here to talk to Zac alone. Great.

"So Gabby long time no see"

"Ya i know its great to see you"

"So hows your brothers and sister?" i asked him.

I remembered his brothers Chace and Liam and his sister Phoebe.

"Their great" he replied "Chace is in his second year of college so you won't see him unless he visits."

" Oh thats nice"

He just nodded and there was an akward moment.

"So Gabby," My father said breaking the akwardness. "I was thinking is dinner ok for your birthday or we could throw a party even though we just moved here and i don't think anybody would remember us but i could knock on everyones door begging them to come to the party." He rambles on.

"Dinner is fine" I told him.

"Great, so Zac do you wan't to come too? Gabby you don't mind if i invite the Williams now do you, theyre practecly family."

"Actually Mr. Mallouhn i already have plans but im sure my parents and my brother and sister would love to come. See you around Gabby."

That jerk is blowing me off on my birthday.


please leave a comment!!!! and vote if u like cuz i need 2 know if it suck so i cn stopp

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