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He looked surprised and confused at the same time. He opened his mouth to talk but couldn't say anything.

" I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry " I quickly tell my boss as I wiped my tears away with the back of my palm.

He closed his mouth and nodded his head as he turns to leave. He stopped on his track and turned to look back at me. " We.. are... having a meeting in the conference room in about an hour".

" Okay sir," I said feigning a smile even though my eyes failed me.

"Alright then" He gave me a tight smile and left.

I guess he's still shocked. I'm glad he didn't ask me the reason for my breakdown because that would have been so embarrassing. My boss is in his early fifties and I am like his right-hand man. He loves me so much and took me as his daughter.

I walked back into my office and slam the door shut as I walked across my desk and sat down. I took a deep breath as I lean my head back and wheeled myself in a circle as tears trickled down my cheeks. This is the first time I let my guard down in the office and that's because of her. Isn't it enough that I had to battle with something which knew of for years? Did she have to constantly remind me of how he damaged me?

I hope my boss doesn't suspect anything. I sat upright and quickly grabbed some tissue to dry my tears as I start reapplying with my makeup. God bless whoever invented makeup because it has always been a saving grace for me.

No day goes by that I don't need it. Is it to cover up the scars I inflicted on myself or how it boosted my confidence back anytime I feel like I'm losing it. I took my time as I turn myself into a doll. I checked myself out in the mirror and I smiled back at the elegant lady staring back at me.

Without makeup, I felt it was easy for people to see through me because they will all know I am sick. They will all know I am nothing but a shell, a piece of shit, trash. Makeup is like the mask I used to cover that damaged part of me because one will be able to see underneath the mask. No one, because I make sure my mask never falls except for today which I regret.

I attend to some emails on my computer and then get prepared for the meeting which should start in less than thirty minutes. I go through some files before I heard a knock on my door as my secretary peek her head in.

" It's time Ma," She said with a smile and left.

I stand on my feet and take a full look at myself in the standing mirror and I love what am seeing. I head out of my office and hearing my heels click on the floor sounds like power.

I walked into the conference room and suddenly the noise died down as all eyes were on me. Everyone stood on their feet to greet me except for these three old fools who always feel intimidated by me. I roll my eyes at them as I walked inside and sat on one of the chairs on the long glass table across from them.

Mr. Herrera, Mr. Francis, and Mrs. Johnson are my seniors when I first joined the company but it's crazy how within two years I met them at the top. They are no longer my seniors but colleague and rivals. They hated me so much and I must say the feelings are mutual too.

They have tried everything possible to bring me down or made me quit working yet all their plans are always futile. The more reason why I put my guard on is that there's only one thing that can bring me down. There's only one thing that can destroy me and that's knowing that damaged part of me. If they get to know that the mask I was putting on was just a facade, that I wasn't strong as they think I am, that I am just as light as a feather then I'm doom and that's more reason why I will never let my guard down.

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