Chapter 1:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

"Take him away"Kinn said sternly as Porsche was being held back by his other bodyguard.

"Kinn!"Porsche called out,expecting Kinn to stop and believe him.

Tawan smiled in victory as he latched onto Kinn as Porsche was being taken away.

"I've missed you so much Kinn"Tawan said,as he leaned in and kisses Kinn fully on his lips.

Meanwhile,Porsche was dragged to the dungeon,tossed into the cell.

"Guess Mr.Kinn has found another favorite and it isn't you"Ken smirked.

"Should we just end your misery and kill you right here?"Big teased.

"We can't. Unless Mr. Kinn instructs us. Can't believe he fell for a traitor"Ken mocked.

They laughed at him before finally taking their leave. Porsche yelled in frustration before kicking the dirt and sitting down in defeat.

'To think I ever loved that asshole! Never again!' Porsche thought to himself  before he found tears escaping his eyes.

He dried his tears and rubbed his eyes  dry. It was his first time ever falling this hard for someone and also his first heartbreak. He lost Kinn and he is framed as a traitor. The ony thing that awaits him is death. Suddenly he hears footsteps drawing in closer abd closer.

"You?"he asked the person before him.

"Surprised to see me?"Mr. Korn asked

"Sir! I need you to believe me, I am not a traitor"Porsched pleaded.

"I know. That's why I am here to offer you a deal"Mr.Korn suggested.

Porsche raised his eyebrows in confusion. This old man has a few tricks up his sleeve, should he believe him or not?

"I am listening"Porsche replied.

"I am giving you another chance"Korn said.

"What do you mean sir?"Porsche asked.

"I will free you from this place and your duties. But in return you must leave Bangkok and never have anything to do with our family,esp. Kinn"Korn replied.

"But... how?"Porsche asked,how will he be able to pull all of this off?

"I'll tell them I had you killed because of your betrayal. I will make sure all tracks are covered but in return I expect your end of the bargain"Mr.Korn replied.

Porsche was torn, he felt betrayed by  Kinn for not taking his side but deep inside he loved Kinn so much.

"I know it's hard, but think of your brother. Are you willing to put his life in danger every single day because you are serving us? "Korn added.

Porsche knows he can't be selfish, he has his little brother to take care of. He won't be able to forgive himself if something bad happened to his only family.

"I... I'll do it Mr. Korn"Porsche replied,making Mr. Korn smirk in victory.

"Chan, bring out the contract and let him sign"Mr. Korn instructed.

The bodyguard took out the contract and gave it for Porsche to sign. Porsched smiled weakly as he proceeded to sign his life away.

"Chan, uncuff him and lead him to the secret passage. Make sure no one sees him leave the mansion and give him Kim's motorcycle, I'll tell him that I gave it away and buy him a new one"Korn said.

"Yes sir, right this way Khun Porsche"Chan said, Porsche was about to leave when his now ex-boss called out to him.

"Porsche?"Mr. Korn said,making Porsche turn to face him.

"You made a wise decision, I hope you will be happy"Mr.Korn said.

Porsche nodded and then followed Chan through the secret passage way and out the mansion, a motorcycle was already there.

"I guess this is it,huh?"Porsche said as he looked back at the mansion.

"Don't look back Khun Porsche, master Korn has been far too generous,he could hav-"Chan said but Porsche interrupted him.

"When he could have had me at his disposal any time,I know"Porschr smiled sadly.

"I know about you and young master Kinn"Chan said.

"How?We were careful"Porsche asked in surprise.

"I wouldn't be head bodyguard if I didn't notice it"Chan said.

"But I guess I was just one of his toys in the end"Porsche said.

"Just live your life Porsche,a lot of us don't have the luxury to do so. Do it for all of us, remember that"Chan said.

Porsche smile sadly and nodded, he knows that this is all for the best.

"Thanks Khun Chan"Porsche said,before starting the engine and slowly made his way back home to Porchay.Once he got there, he woke up his little brother who was sound asleep.

"Chay, wake up!"Porsche called out.

"P'?  When did you get here? You didn't text me"Chay said,rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"It's not important. Listen, I need you to pack your things. We are leaving tonight"Porsche said.

"But P', it's 2 am!"Chay complained.

"I don't have time to explain to you right now. We have to leave right now, we can't be wasting time"Porsche replied.

"But-"Chay started but Porsche hugged him.

"I'm leaving the mafia, Mr. Korn offered me a deal as long as we move far away from here. I don't want to put your life in danger Chay, I made a vow to myself and our parents that I will always keep you safe. Please let me keep that promise"Porsche pleaded.

It was the first time Chay saw his brother so vulnerable like that. He hugged him back gently.

"Ok P', I understand"Chay replied.

They started packing their things almost immediately. Once they were finished, Porsche laid the gun that Kinn had lent him gently on the table.

'Goodbye Kinn, for the last time... I love you'Porsche said to himself.

They fled towards the country side where they will finally start anew. Luckily,no one knew them over in Chiang Mai. Porsche found  a bartending job there as well, Porchay was adjusting to life their well,while still secretly in contact with Kim.


Tonight's mission was a bust,the deal fell through and there was a cross fire. I took a direct shot to my left arm, I hurriedly fled on foot. I boarded a cargo truck and ducked,hoping that no one had followed me.

I can hear footsteps coming close, I held my breath so that no one can hear me. I heard the men boarder the  cargo truck and started the engine. I don't know where this is headed but I'll deal with it when the time comes. I sighed a breath of relief before closing my eyes and taking a rest.


A/N: Hello guys!! I wasn't kidding when I said that I had a lot of ideas brewing. Sorry if I haven't been updating my stories, I will try my best to do so. Please like and comment,if you can. Thank you for reading and supporting my work.

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