Chapter 13:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!


After a couple of hours up in the air, his plane finally landed in Bangkok. He didn't start his part-time job yet but thankfully he saved some money from all those time his older brother gave for his allowance. He didn't have a credit card,so he asked his friend to use theirs to buy him a ticket and just paid them in cash. He collected his luggage, texted his friend and went down to the pick-up area.

"Chay!!!"his friend called out.

"Au! P'Talay! Thanks for picking me up"Chay said as he went to were his senior was.

"No problem! Long time,no see! I was surprised you wanted to come for a visit"Talay said

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"No problem! Long time,no see! I was surprised you wanted to come for a visit"Talay said.

"I just have some business here in the city, I'm not staying that long"Chay replied.

"I see. Well, let's drop off your things at my apartment and let's go grab something to eat"Talay suggested.

Chay nodded, they made their way to the parking area and headed to the apartment. They dropped Chay's things and decided to eat at a nearby cafe.

"So how's life? It's been a while, how's your brother?"Talay asked.

"It has been a while. I see you still like my brother"Chay teased.

"Hey! I can't help it, you're brother's hot!"Talay said.

"Ew.. I don't want to hear that. Don't you have a lover already?"Chay asked.

"Haha. Well, I just got dumped"Talay replied.

"Why? I don't believe you, you're usually popular"Chay said.

"Haha. They think because of my carefree personality,they think I don't care for them as much... so they end up leaving me. Do you have someone to match me up with?Is your brother single?"Talay replied.

"As much as I love you as my friend P'Talay, I don't think I'd want you as my brother-in law. Plus,my brother has someone he likes right now. Maybe I can introduce you to P'Ken,he's single"Chay said.

"Really?Yes! I'm counting on you Chay!!" Talay yelled excitedly.

"P', after we eat. I need you to come with me somewhere"Chay started.

"Sure thing,just tell me where it is"Talay replied.

Chay forced a smiled, he was nervous to execute his plan. He wanted to know the truth, his lover was being so secretive and evasive with him about his family.


Hi P'! I just got
home. Where are
are you right now?

Chay felt bad with lying about where he was, but he needed some answers.

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