Chapter 7:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Vegas and Porsche borrowed Mr.Kuay's truck for the day. They passed by a mini mart prior to heading to the beach. Thankfully ,the weather was awesome, hot but not humid. With snacks,booze and cigarettes in hand they headed to the beach. Once they got there, they placed a mat underneath the shade. Porsche passed Vegas a beer.

"Beer this early?"Vegas asked.

"It's never too early to drink"Porsche replied.

Vegas gratefully accepted the beer,opened it and drank it slowly. Porsche rummaged through his bag and took out an old camera.

"Wow, that's one old camera"Vegas said.

"Old is a bad word, call in vintage... it sounds a little better. Plus it's the only thing I have left from my mom"Porsche said with a weak smile.

"She liked taking pictures?"Vegas asked, to which Porsche shook his head.

"My mom loved painting, she was so good at it. I would take pictures and she'd paint what I took"Porsche replied.

"Well, her son is equally talented,if not more. Even if she's gone, she will love thru you and your brother. So cheer up"Vegas said.

"Aww... You trying to make me smile?"Porsche teased.

"Is it working?"Vegas asked,wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Thank you"Porsche smiled.

Suddenly Vegas took a can of soda,he shook it rigorously and unleashed it onto Porsche. Porsche tried to block it but it was no use,he was already wet and sticky.

"Oi!Vegas! What did you do!" Porsche yelled.

"Trying to to get you in the water"Vegas teased.

"Oh yeah?! I'm gonna get you!"Porsche said as he picked up a can.

Vegas frantically stood and started to run away. Porsche stood,and ran after Vegas as he was shaking the soda.

"Come back here!"Porsche yelled out

"You'll never catch me,slowpoke!"Vegas yelled.

In the end, Porsche caught up to Vegas and they got sticky and decided to get into the water to wash it off. They both took turns splashing water onto each other until they got tired. Vegas was the first to get out of the water, the sun was slowly setting. Porsche got our of the water but didn't come back as of yet. Vegas looked on and saw Porsche skipping rocks into the water just like a little kid,to his amusement. Vegas smiled,took out the camera took a picture.

 Vegas smiled,took out the camera took a picture

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'I don't know which one is more beautiful... the sunset or you'Vegas thought to himself.

Vegas was scared to admit it, he was fascinated by Porsche. Being with him,he felt that he could be himself or someone even better. Porsche was finally done and slowly made his way back to their spot.

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