Chapter 5:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd Person POV*

Porsche was sleeping peacefully up until he felt a draft inside my room. He opened his eyes,got up and made sure the windows were shut tight. He made my way back when he saw Vegas tossing around in bed.

"Stop! D-don't Por!"Vegas yelled.

He was definitely having a nightmare, should he wake him up?

"Mae!Wake up! Don't!"he continued to yell.

Porsche went over to the bed,sat beside him and tried to wake him up.

"Vegas? Wake up"Porsche called out,tapping his chest,to which in his asleep state grabbed his hand and held it.

"Mae, don't leave me..."Vegas said,tears escaping his eyes.

He continued to fuss around,his eyebrows coming together. Porsche raised his hand and touched Vegas forehead, almost instantly he relaxed and fell back asleep.

'What are you dreaming about Vegas?' Porsche thought to himself.

Vegas turned to Porsche's and wrapped his arm around the other in his sleep. Porsche was surprised and tried to get out if Vegas' arms but was not able to. He sighed as he gave up and drifted off to sleep himself.

Morning came,the blinds were slightly raised as the sun's rays hit Vegas. He slowly opened his eyes and the first thing that came into his view was Porsche's face close his,with the other's arm around him. His heart started to flutter seeing this person's face up close.Yes,they've had conversations and interactions here and there but haven't been in this type of situation. Porsche slowly stirred from his slumber, frantically Vegas shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Porsche opened his eyes and saw that Vegas was still asleep, he took his arm away and got up from the bed. He decided to go down and start making breakfast. Once he did, Vegas opened his eyes and gotnup from bed.

'How did Porsche end up on the bed? I mean it is his bed'Vegas battled in his mind.

He turned to his night stand and saw pictures of Porsche and his little brother. He was all smiles when they took their pictures. He knew of Porsche and his cousin's relationship, sure Porsche smiled here and there but everytime he saw the other, he wore a sad expression on his face.

"You look better when you smile"Vegas said.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Vegas was startled at first but went to see who it was.

"Good morning P'. P'Porsche wanted me to tell you that breakfast is ready"Chay said.

"I see. Thanks"Vegas replied.

He followed Chay down towards the dining area,where Porsche had just finished setting the table. He smiled, he's not used to sharing a meal with anyone in the house. Sometimes with his brother but he was mostly dining alone... it felt nice.

"What are you standing around for?Come sit down"Porsche said.

Vegas proceeded to sit himself down,beside Chay and across from Porsche.

"Thank you for the delicious meal" Vegas said in advance.

"You haven't even tasted it yet"Porsche said.

"I know it'll taste good,since you made it"Vegas said,making Porsche smile.

"They're right, you are such a smooth talker"Porsche teased.

"Oh. Who are these people who said that?"Vegas asked.

"Kinn and Pete"Porsche answered.

"Haha. They warned you about me?"Vegas asked.

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