Chapter 11:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

A/N: This chapter is starting with a KinnxBig part. If you don't like the pairing, I suggest that you skip this part and go straight with VegasxPorsche. I don't want to hear any complaints that you don't like this pairing, so I am giving you guys a notice in advance every time when it will switch to KinnxBig in a chapter. Again, thanks for waiting and hope you enjoy reading.


Kinn was seated at the backseat of the car seat beside him was Big. Ken drove while Pete was in the passenger seat. It was a quiet drive towards the town where Porsche was at. Pete kept stealing glances at Big, he was worried about his friend ever since lunch time. Usually Big is unaffected by things, but earlier he just found Big's expression strange.

'His facial expression changed when he heard master Kinn mention Porsche. No! It can't be! Does he like master Kinn?'Pete thought.

He looked back at Big once again, he looked like he was so uncomfortable and restless. Big wasn't used to traveling, maybe that's why he looks tired as well.

'Let me see something 'Pete thought.

"Ai'Big? Are you alright?" Pete asked.

"Y-Yeah! Just a little dizzy" Big replied.

"You still don't feel okay? It's not the fever coming back is it?"Kinn asked, almost putting his hand on Big's forehead once again but this time Big evaded it, pointing to Pete and Ken who were watching.

"So what? It's just Pete and Ken, they know you're my childhood friend" Kinn said.

Kinn sighed, looked to the side and raised the window. It was now blocking the guys in front from seeing the back.

"What's up with them? "Ken asked.

"Big is acting weird towards master Kinn" Pete replied.

"Big likes young master?"Ken asked.

"Hmmm. Maybe"Pete answered.

"But sir Kinn,it's not ap-"Big started to contest but Kinn put grabbed Big and made him lie his head on his lap.

"Just try to rest and relax, I know all this traveling has tire you out"Kinn replied.

Big feels warm and fuzzy, he has never felt this way before even with his ex-girlfriend's. Why is he now feeling this for a man, not to mention his childhood friend and boss. He wanted to get of the lap, suddenly he felt Kinn putting his hand on Big's head and slowly petting it, trying to get him to be calm and comfortable.

'Why am I feeling this way? I can't like him, he's my boss. Not to mention, he's still in love with Porsche. I'm nothing compared to him' Big thought to himself,as he then sighed.

"You sighing that deep, a lot on your mind?"Kinn asked.

" Uh.. It's nothing. I maybe just tired" Big replied.

"Then close your eyes for a bit, I'll wake you up when we get there" Kinn instructed.

"But-" Big tried to protest again but was cut off by the other.

"Can you just listen to what I say and stop being stubborn?" Kinn said.

Big gulped, he stayed quiet for a bit then nodded and tried to get as comfortable as possible. He shifted one more time before now finding a more comfortable spot.

"Thanks, Kinn" Big said, blush on his cheeks.

"No problem" Kinn replied, as he continue to stroke Big's hair.

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