Chapter 16:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Porsche sat across Kim and Porchay with a stern look his arms crossed.

"Explain"was all he he muttered, the two before him gulped.

"P', I'm sor-"Chay started but Kim held his hand and looked at Porsche in the eye.

"It's my fault P', I wanted to tell him and you about all this. But if I did, there was a chance your mom would be discovered by Uncle Gun. I am really sorry for all that you and Chay went through. I should have been honest, please don't be mad  at Chay. You can scream and curse at me all you want but spare him" Kim said, making Porsche sigh.

"I do appreciate you and Mr. Korn for keeping her safe, but it would have been nice to be informed even about some things. The last thing I want is to put my brother's life in danger and I know being in this family that is unavoidable" Porsche said.

Kim and Chay looked down to the floor, Porsche then  stands up and puts a hand on Kim's shoulder.

"That's why he needs all the protection her can get, I am counting on you to keep him safe as well. Is that alright?" Porsche asked.

Chay's eyes widen as he stood up and hugged Porsche tightly, his older brother hugging him back twice as tightly.

"It would be my absolute pleasure, P'Porsche" Kim replied.

Porsche stopped hugging his brother and ruffled his hair.

"And you, don't give Kim a hard time okay?I know you can be hard-headed most of the time" Porsche teased.

"Aish! No I'm not P' " Chay yelled, Porsche just laughed.

They heard a knock, the door opened and Vegas was there.

"Am I interrupting?" Vegas asked.

"No, they were just leaving" Porsche said, eyeing Chay and Kim.

Chay bit his lip and tried his best not to tease his older brother. He knew that somehow these two were whipped for each other.

"Come on P'Kim, let's go on a date and leave these 2 lovebirds alone" Chay said as he took Kim's hand and  pulled him out of the room, Vegas just chuckled.

" Why are you laughing? "Porsche asked.

"Nothing. Your little brother is just amusing "Vegas said.

"You're after my little brother now?"Porsche teased.

"Haha! As cute as he is, he's no match for his older brother. You're hot, not cute" Vegas said as he leaned in and kissed Porsche's ear.Porsche moaned slightly as he hit Vegas shoulder playfully.

"Stop being a pervert, we need to go and visit Big at the hospital"Porsche said.

"Aww.. I thought I was getting a prize today" Vegas sulked, Porsche pulled Vegas collar and kissed him on the lips.

"You have to live with this for now, I'll make it up to you later" Porsche said.

"Your wish is my command" Vegas said as he held Porsche's hand and they made their way towards the entrance where Vegas motorcycle was parked.

"It's here!" Porsche said excitedly.

"I did promise I'd give it to you, despite my looks.. I am a man of my word" Vegas smiled, winking at his lover.

Porsche ran like a kid trying to claim his prize, he mounted and motorcycle and held the handle.

"Oh my god! This is amazing"Porsche yelled.

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