Chapter 10:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

They drove for a good 45 minutes until they reached their destination. Once they got there, they parked the motorcycle fully and got off. Porsche looked around and couldn't help but smile.

"Of all the places you could take me, you took me to the mountains?" Porsche teased.

"Hey! It's a change of scenery, plus it's nicer because it's super private. This isn't all woods though, look a little further" Vegas said.

Porsche raised his eyebrows, but did as he was told and looked a bit further and clearer. His eyes widen and a bigger smile appeared on his face.

 His eyes widen and a bigger smile appeared on his face

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" Is that... where we're staying?"Porsche asked.

"Yeah. Like it?"Vegas asked.

"I've always wanted to stay in one of those"Porsche said excitedly, like a kid.

"Well, let's go drop our bags off and rest for a bit. Then we're eating having lunch down there"Vegas said.

"Down there? By the waterfall?"Porsche asked,in disbelief, Vegas nodded.

"Yeah. They're preparing the food now, they will call us once everything is ready"Vegas said.

Porsche nodded, they made their way to the cottage. They put their bags to the side and both laid down in bed.

"The bed is so soft too.. I'm gonna be sleeping well tonight"Porsche said.

"Hey!No one's sleeping early tonight!"Vegas teased.

"Pfft! Of course not! It is a date after all"Porsche replied,as he rested his chin on Vegas shoulder.

"You're so damn sexy"Vegas said as he looked at Porsche.

"There you go again"Porsche said.

"What?I reallydo mean it. You might make me go crazy"Vegas said.

He leaned in and was about to kiss Porsche when he heard a loud growl... it was Porsche's stomach. Porsche turned red,as Vegas resisted the urge to laugh but failed miserably.

"Hey!Stop laughing!! We ate early,of course I'm gonna be hungry"Porsche said.

"Haha! You are just too cute, let me call the front desk and check if our lunch is ready"Vegas said.

He slowly got up and used the phone to call the fron desk.

"Yes. We're in Cottage 3, I reserved a lunch by the falls. Ah! Yes, that's it! Ok,we'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you!"Vegas said as he then hung up the phone.

"It's ready. Let's go before your tummy growls any louder"Vegas teased.

"Aish!"Porsche clicked his tongue,stood up and headed out the door first.

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