Chapter 2:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!


The day after they put Porsche to the dungeon, Kinn decided to go down and talk to him. Once he got there,he saw that Porsche had dispappeared

"Ken! Big!"Kinn yelled.

"YES SIR?" they answered.

"Where is Porsche? Didn't you lock him up here?"Kinn asked.

"We did sir! We made sure of it"Ken answered.

"Go check the cameras and see who's behind all this!"Kinn yelled.

"What's all the commotion about?"a voice spoke out,they all turned to see Mr. Korn and Chan behind them.

"Por, Porsche escaped!"Kinn stated.

"I assure you he did not"Korn answered.

"What do you mean,Por?"Kinn asked.

"Simple.  He's a traitor and you very know well how our family deals with traitors like him"Korn grinned.

"You.. you killed him?"Kinn asked.

"I did"Korn replied.

"Where and how?"Kinn asked his father.

"Those details,you need not know. Have I ever lied to you?" Korn said.

Knowing his father, he always did what he said he'd do.

"Plus, isn't that boy just a mere bodyguard or did he mean anything to you? I already told you, weakness isn't allowed in our family. You're from the major family, act like it. That Tawan,he may have our protection for now. But I won't hesitate to kill him as well like I did Porsche"Korn said.

"Yes father"Kinn replied.

Korn smirked before taking his leave, even though Kinn had grown up...his father still scares him. He went up and saw his brother Tankhun in the garden,he sat on the bench next to him.

"Do you know where Porsche is?"Kinn started.

Tankhun stood up,ignoring Kinn's remark and started watering the plants,Arm and Pol just standing nearby.

"Are you ignoring me on purpose?"Kinn asked.

"I don't talk to stupid people"his older brother said.

"You saw how he was acting weird esp. ever since Tawan appeared"Kinn said.

"Are you that stupid? Suspicious or he's just jealous? Didn't you tell him that Tawan betrayed you before? Maybe he was trying to check if your ex was lying or not"Tankhun said,making Kinn quiet.

"Are you that blind? Even I can see that Porsche loves you a lot, I'm crazy not blind"Tankhun added.

"Dad said he killed Porsche but I don't believe him at all"Kinn said.

"Dad said that? Usually I'd believe it but I don't think he did. Maybe taken to another dungeon to be tortured but not killed. Porsche has far too much to offer and know to much about our family"his older brother said.

True, his older brother was crazy but he has his moments of sanity,just like this one.

"What do you think I should do?"Kinn asked.

"Find him,bring him back and kill Tawan instead"Tankhun said point blank.

"Kinnnn"Tawan called out, as he popped out of nowhere.

"Au. Tawan, what are you doing here?" Kinn asked.

"I was bored so I came looking for you. Did you want to go out today?"Tawan said,linking his arm around Kinn's.

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