Chapter 14:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*Warning: This chapter will start off with KinnxBig and will progress to VegasxPorsche since it will be 3rd person POV*

*3rd person POV*

The sun was finally coming out from it's hiding, the birds were chirping happily while two people's worlds were about to change. Kinn was the first one to open his eyes, he stretched his body fully,only to be greeted by a huge headache. He usually had a drink here and there at night time but last night he must have over-indulged in it. He turned to the side and saw someone's back turned to turn him. He gulped as he has little to remember of last night's event, he slowly raised the sheets and saw that they were both naked. Big was already awake the moment Kinn has shifted the sheets a bit, but he was debating how he should face Kinn.


"Should we stop?"Kinn asked.

"Why? *hic*Scared of me?"Big challenged.

"Me? Scared of you? Never"Kinn said cockily.

*hic*"You should be, you don't know what I'm capable of"Big said as he pulled Kinn down for another kiss.

*end of flashback*

'Aish!Big, you idiot! How can you be so shameless?What should I say to him?Arghh!' Big thought to himself.

He has never been this conflicted in his whole life time, he never really cared much for his childhood friend as much as he did now. He just thought that he was just a lonely guy who sleeps with random strangers to fill the emptiness inside of him.

"Big?Are you awake?"Kinn asked, he was about to answer him when Kinn's phone went off,it was Porsche. He immediately answered it.

"Hello?"Kinn answered.

"It's me,Vegas"Vegas greeted.

"You? What do you want? Why are you using Porsche's number?"Kinn asked.

"I destroyed my phone to avoid being tracked. Can we talk?"Vegas asked.

Kinn turned to look at Big,who he thought was still asleep. He got up,wore his robe and proceeded to take the call in the balcony. He closed the door behind him. Hearing Kinn mention Porsche's name hurt him.

'What were you hoping for Big? Of course you're nothing but a rebound, he still loves Porsche'Big thought as tears escape his eyes.

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?"Kinn asked.

"We need your help"Vegas started.

"My help? What for? Why should I help you?"Kinn asked.

"It's more helping Porsche than me. Chay has been kidnapped by the minor family"Vegas said.

"What?! I thought you loved Porsche and you dare betray him?!"Kinn yelled.

"Calm down! I didn't do anything to
betray Porsche. Turns out Chay lied and went to Bangkok by himself to see Kim, my father probably had him followed and kidnapped"Vegas said.

"Are you sure? Or are you lying through your teeth as usual"Kinn said.

"Listen, I know I don't have the best track record but I'm actually being honest. I am serious with Porsche. I don't care really if you hate me or wish me dead,but please help Porsche. He deserves it at least, for all the pain he went through"Vegas said.

Kinn's angry expression relaxed,even though he hated his cousin's guts... he knows he was also the reason for Porsche's pain.

"Can I please talk to him?"Kinn asked.

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