Chapter 6:

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Disclaimers: All media, pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Porsche and Vegas has arrived late from work, Chay was already asleep when they got there. They had stopped at the convenience store prior to going home and had bought 2 packs of cigarettes and beer. The ride back home was quiet but not awkward, not for Vegas at least. Porsche had been stealing glances at Vegas, trying to find a reason  the other had kissed him at the bar.

' Was he drunk? I mean why would he kiss me? Argh! Get a grip Porsche! It's not like you haven't kissed anyone before. Kinn has done more things to you, why are you bothered by a drunk guy's kiss? I'm sure he'll forget it by tomorrow' Porsche thought to himself.

Porsche put all the beers in the fridge and looked at the food Chay has cooked and saved for them. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs, he looked back and saw Vegas. He wore the clothes that Porsche had prepared for them earlier, he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Chay cooked? "Vegas asked.

"Yeah. He usually doesn't, but I'm guessing he did it for you "Porsche replied.

"Au. I'm honored, at least Chay likes me now" Vegas teased, eyeing Porsche.

"Hey! I don't know you like that and Kinn always nagged me when I get close to you" Posche said.

Porsche was smiling up until Kinn's name escaped his lips, it still affects him how the man he had grown to love hurt him. Vegas saw the change in Porsche's facial expression and decided to change the topic.

"Well, if Chay cooked this for me then all the more reason to eat it!" Vegas yelled, as he took a fork and put it in his mouth.

Porsche was about to say something before he did that, but Vegas had already done so. Vegas chewed the food, paled then ran towards the kitchen and spit the food out.

"Bleh! What was that?"Vegas said, Porsche laughed.

"Chay does cook but it usually isn't edible "Porsche replied.

"And you didn't bother to warn me?"Vegas asked.

"I was going to tell you but you were so excited to eat it and you ate it before I had the chance to tell you. So it really it isn't my fault"Porsche said, sticking his tongue out.

Vegas chuckled and shook his head in amusement. Porsche took the food, put it in a bag and sealed it before throwing it in the trash.

"Just tell Chay we ate it all. I don't want him to feel sad we didn't eat what he made"Vegas said, as his stomach growled making Porsche laugh out loud once again.

"Hey!Stop laughing" Vegas said, feeling embarrassed.

"If you're that hungry I have some instant cup noodles"Porsche offered.

"I'll take it. But seriously, don't tell Chay we threw his food away" Vegas said.

"I won't. It will be our little secret"Porsche said, smiling.

'Yup. You definitely look better when you smile'Vegas thought to himself as he looked at Porsche. 

Vegas poured some hot water into their noodle cups, they ate their meal happily. Vegas gathered their trash and cleaned the table.  Porsche stood up and got some  beers from the fridge, Vegas got the pack of cigarettes from the table.

"Sleepy?"Porsche asked.

"Not really, I think I sobered up a little"Vegas replied.

"Wanna keep me company? "Porsche asked as he raised the cans of beer in his hands.

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