Chapter 8:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

"Thank you na, for caring"Vegas said,as he hugged Porsche back.

"I've never met anyone who's concerned for me like you are, I wish I can have someone like you by my side"Vegas said.

He released himself from the hug and looked at Porsche eye to eye.

"I like you. I have always liked you since the day we met"Vegas stated.

"Huh?How?"Porsche asked.

"Remember the first day I met you? You and the other body guards where lined up in the hall?"Vegas asked, Porsche nodded.

"My eyes were instantly drawn to you"Vegas said.

"But Vegas-" Porsche started but Vegas cut him off.

"I know what you're going to say, that maybe you're not ready just to get into another relationship. I know how much you loved Kinn" Vegas started.

Porsche bit his lip and looked down on the ground, he is conflicted. He still loves Kinn, would it be possible for him to slowly forget about him? He wonders if he even deserved to be happy ?

"But I am not one to give up, I want to court you. I know my chances are slim but I won't give up without a fight" Vegas continued, as he held both Porsche's hands.

"But... I don't want to give you false hope"Porsche said.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take, I am not rushing you... just let me love you in my own way. In the end, it's entirely up to you if you'll give me the chance to make you happy or not"Vegas said.

"If I do end up accepting you, I want you to know that my care and attention will always be split between you and my brother. He's my only family, I will never choose between you and him" Porsche said.

"Fair enough, as long as it's only me and Chay" Vegas replied.

"There will be no guarantees. If you feel the need to give up, just let me know and we can go back to just being friends"Porsche said.

Vegas smiled, raised Porsche's hand and kissed it. Porsche is not used to seeing Vegas being sweet and lovey-dovey to anyone back in the mansion. Then again, how could he get to know Vegas when Kinn was there.

"I'll do whatever it takes to make you say yes and love me back"Vegas said.

"P'! I'm home!" Chay yelled out but stopped in his tracks when he saw Vegas and Porsche still holding hand in the living room.

"Ohhh! Am I interrupting something?"Chay teased, making Porsche let go of Vegas hands.

"N-No. What are you talking about Chay? Vegas was just teaching me this dance that rich people do in their fancy parties. Weren't you Vegas?" Porsche said.

"No. I am gonna be honest with you Chay, I plan on courting your brother. I hope that sooner or later I will get your blessing" Vegas replied.

"You're so blunt P'Vegas. But you do know that my P' has just had his heart broken, I don't want to see him sad and depressed again" Chay said.

"I know, I can't promise that I'll be the perfect lover for your P' in the future. All I can promise is that if he chooses me, I will do my best to make him feel loved, honored and protected" Vegas said.

"I appreciate that P'Vegas and thank you for not hiding it from me, I don't know why P' get s shy about things like this. I give you my blessing, make him happy if ever he does choose you" Chay said.

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