Chapter 12: KxB

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

Warning: This chapter is KinnxBig only, don't like the pair then skip this chapter. I don't want to hear complaints when you've already been warned. Thanks. Enjoy!


After the whole ordeal, they retreated to the house that they had rented nearby Porsche's place. Once they all got inside,Kinn massaged his temple and then punched the wall.

"There goes the deposit for this place"Ken whispered to Pete,trying to joke. Pete tried not to laugh.

"Sir Kinn,are you alright?"Pete asked.

"Damn it! That Vegas, what is he planning?!"Kinn yelled.

"Maybe he really likes Porsche,sir Kinn"Pete said.

"Him? Like somebody? People from the minor family aren't capable of  loving someone. They are sly,selfish and greedy people"Kinn said.

"Maybe he changed, people can change master Kinn" Ken said.

"Ha!Him?Change?I highly doubt that. He must be up to something. I can't believe Porsche is stupid enough to trust someone like him"Kinn said.

Big sighed, Kinn was acting like a kid who's favorite toy got taken away.

"Well he trusted you too,didn't he? How did that end up for him? Look at yourself before you start bad mouthing other people. You're not perfect. Excuse me, I'm gonna go to the store"Big said,he then got his wallet and proceed to exit.

Ken and Pete looked at each other, Kinn was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Big to talk to him that way.

"You think Big was jealous?"Ken asked.

"Maybe. I don't know, he must be irritated for him to talk to master Kinn that way"Pete replied.

Big walked as fast as he could,trying to get away from everyone there especially Kinn. He found a small alley by the convenience store,he rested his back to the wall as he tried to catch his breath.

"Damn it Big! Why did you say those things? I was way out of line! How am I supposed to face master Kinn and the others?Argh!"he said to himself as he rubbed his face in irritation.

Back with the trio, Ken and Pete started making dinner. Kinn sat himself on the couch,he was thinking of what had happened earlier. He had never saw Big that angry before. Even when they were kids,Big  had never yelled at him. Pete nudged Ken and directed their attention to Kinn,who was still lost in thought.

"Sir Kinn, is pasta okay for dinner?"Pete asked.

"Unh. It's fine"was all he replied.

There was silence after that, suddenly Kinn had to ask.

"You guys think I was wrong?"he asked.

Pete and Ken looked at each other,trying to stay quiet and not dig their own grave.

"Come on, just tell. I promise I won't get mad"Kinn said.

"It's half and half. You were not wrong in a sense, since those are your feelings and they are valid. You are allowed to feel, but you were also out of context"Ken said.

"We know you loved Porsche and he loved you too. But you don't own him, he is free to love someone and be loved in return. You acting the way you were earlier,doesn't make you any better than the minor family"Pete said.

Kinn was surprised by the answer, he didn't know that he was being selfish and unfair. He sighed, he was getting a headache. Suddenly,the front door opened and it was Big. He took one look at Kinn,looked away and went to the kitchen to join Ken and Pete.

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