chapter 2

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I changed the title of the story... - but anyways let's go to the story...

Japan pulled Mal into her room when Japan opened the door she saw Indo getting her diary.
"Indo! Give that back!" Japan said with an angry tone. Indo looked at Japan and saw a small country behind her and he's shock to see Mal hiding on Japan's back, Indo just smirked and leaved the room with Japan's diary. Japan is abt to attack Indo but Mal stopped her.

"No Japan, your just gonna start a fight" Mal said while shaking his head. Japan calmed down and just close the door and said to Mal "listen Mal, I'll talk to papa Asian tomorrow and ask him where you gonna sleep but for now sleep in here, in my room in the mattress, ok? " Japan said
"Mhm ok" Mal said with a smile. The next day Japan woke up and went out of her bedroom and Emdently saw Mr. Asian she went to Mr. Asian and asked "papa, where will mallie sleep? He can't just sleep in my room and sleep on the mattress?" She asked.

"In indo's room. Indo has the biggest bed and room so they can share the bed and room." Mr. Asian said. Japan looked shock but just nodded and when she got back to her room she saw Mal already awake.  "Hey mal, papa Asian said your gonna sleep on indo's room for now on, and share his bed." Japan said with a smirk. Mal don't know why is Japan smirking but he gets up and just nodded. Japan opened indo's door without knocking Indo was shock.

"You have just knocked and what is mal doing here huh?" He asked while reading a booked. Mal never saw Indo holding or reading a book but Japan suddenly said "Mal is sleeping at your room and bed for now on" she said with a smirk ,Indo stayed silence then said "why is that softie boy have to share my bed and room", " bc Mal can't sleep in my room and it's papa's choice! " Japan said and closed the door. Mal sat beside Indo and asked "what are you reading? ". Indo closed the book and said " n-nothing importance ok?" "Ok-" Mal said.

Years passed Mal is already 16 and Indo is 18,but one day Indo just getting some coffee when Japan said "oh Indo-kun~ can we share secret~? " "ok but what kind of secret exactly? " Indo asked and took a sip from his coffee.
"Our crush ofc~! " Japan said with excitement. "Ok fine but you first-" Indo said while putting his coffee on the table, "ok~ mine is sk/South Korea" Japan said with a teasing smile, Indo sighed and said " if you say who's my crush your dead-, it's Mal, happy? " indo said and soon realized that sk and Japan is already in a relationship. Japan skreek and said "I knew it!" Japan said while jumping with joy, "Neko! You little sh-" as Indo is gonna say it Mal walked in.

Oh- 514 words- anyways TBC...

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