chapter 13

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No one's pov:

Indo pushes mal gently to the bed and said "just take some resy" he said, mal nodded. Indo sat next to mal and mal knew there's something wrong with Indo so he asked Indo "what's wrong?" He asked "I caught my gf using me for high grades" Indo said, "oh... I'm so sorry for you..." Mal said, "no it's ok, it's my fault too, for not think abt that" Indo said then silence filled the room. After 1 minute mal fell asleep again in indo's shoulder, Indo frozed while blushing but putted him into their bed and Indo left the room. As he's going down stairs he heard someone calling his name, it was myan.

"Bro, someone needs you":myan
" who?":Indo
"Your gf?":myan
" ah... Ok":Indo

When Indo opened the door he saw Thai pulling indo's ex gf and the girl is screaming for help but she saw Indo and begged him to help her and forgive her but Indo just left without saying a word that makes Thai pull her hair even more harder bc she knew she will use Indo again for grades. Days passed, mal became more sick. Indo stayed home to take care of mal while the rest go to school and mal and Indo is getting along now. And yes Indo is catching feelings for mal, again. But one day something shocking happened...... It was Thursday and Indo just took a shower, after he got shower he changed he's clothes  and went back to mal...... When he went back he saw........ Mal!

"Mal! Who did this?!":Indo
" I swear to God if this is Angelica (Indo ex gf) did this I'm gonna kill her!":Indo
"Mal pls be awake! You can't die!":indo
" god I need to call Phil and Thai....":Indo

*Indo calls Thai*

"Hello Thai?!":Indo
" oh what's up?":Thai
"Don't what's up, what's up me! Mal was stabbed!":Indo
" what?! Ok me and Phil are coming!":Thai
"But take him to the hospital dummy!":Thai
" ok ok I will!":Indo

Indo ended the call and called the ambulance. 1 hour later mal is at the hospital now, Indo, Thai and Phil is getting worried. The doctor approach them and told "mal is fine but he has to stay for 3 weeks" the doctor said and all of them was shock. "3 weeks?!" The 3 of them said.

"Don't worry Indo class is abt to end too.... In 3 days":Thai
" ik but who's gonna take care of mal?":Indo
"You ofc":Phil
" ugh ok fine":Indo
"Don't you like it your gonna spend time with your cru-":Thai
" oh shut up! This is serious Thai":Indo
"Ok ok jeez- I'm just saying":Thai
" y'all shut up! Let's just got to mal's room and Indo will take care of him":Phil
"Ok":Indo, thai

The 3 of them went to mal's room where they find mal laying down and hugging a pillow, Thai happily sat beside mal. Why is she happy? Bc mal is ok ofc! Mal is still hugging the pillow.

" what's wrong?":Thai
"Maybe she's tired Thai":Phil
" hm maybe":Thai
"No I'm fine!":mal
" eh?":Thai
"I'm not tired...":mal
" if you say so":thai
"Hey? Are you ok indo?":Phil
" huh? Yeah-"Indo
"You sure bro?":Phil
" yeah super sure":Indo
"Oh ik why he's quite~":thai
" oh shut up thai-":indo
"Ok ok":Thai
" just say it's Thai":Phil
"Eh? Ok~":thai
" so I noticed Indo has been staring at mal with a worried face":Thai
"Ofc I'm worried- he's-":Indo
" he's what?":Phil
"Bc he's hurt! That's all-!":Indo
"Hey mal you need to stay here for 3 weeks, but don't worry your " bf" will take care of you~":thai
"He's not my bf!":Indo
" yet":Thai
"Ok just stop joking around-":Phil
" jeez ok":thai
"I heard all what you guys said":mal
" ik!":Thai
"And we're not bfs":mal
" yet":thai
"Ugh just shut up":mal
" yes sir!":Thai
"Oop- me and Thai gtg...- bye-! Have fun you two!":Phil
" yeah bye~":thai

As the two left, mal is left alone with Indo again. Indo leaned in the wall, mal just stared at Indo, Indo noticed mal looking at him so he asked "is something wrong?" Indo asked. "Oh- uh- nothing-" mall said nervously and looked away but he felt someone sat beside him and hold his hand, it was Indo. He blushed a little but manage to stop the blush. Indo noticed mal blushing and just chuckled. Mal just looked away avoiding making a eye contact.


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