chapter 4

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Time passed, it's already evening. Mal went to his and indo's room, as he opened the door Indo waved at Mal and went back to his phone. Mal thought for a second "that was weird he never waved at me...-" Mal thought to his self and just waved back and go to the bathroom and showered. 20 minutes later mal is done showering and change his clothes and went back to their room and sat beside Indo while Indo is scrolling through Instagram.

"What chu doing?" Mal said and lean to indo's shoulder to have a peek.
"Nothing- just checking Instagram?"-Indo
" Mhm, ok. How many followers you have?"-Mal
"1 million followers"-Indo
" I have more followers that you~"-mal said while getting his phone and went to Instagram to show Indo his followers.
"Wow how did you get 2 million followers?"-Indo
" let's just say.... People think I'm cute"-Mal
"Lol ok"-Indo

They talk to each other for a long time and Indo recommend to sleep now bc it's getting late Mal just nodded and both of them lay down on the bed, awkward silence filled the room for the minutes. After 5 minutes Mal went to sleep, so as indo. Time passes it's 7 am Indo woke up and showered and got dress and went down for breakfast, he didn't wake Mal up bc it's sunday as Indo went down stairs he saw his friends giggling and smirk at Indo Indo was confuse so he asked Phil.

" hey Phil why are they looking at me with a smirk?"-Indo
"Neko told your secret to everyone except for Mal ofc"-Phil
" what?! Neko!"-Indo
"What? I didn't tell your little crush that you like him~"-japan
" omg Neko! Just don't tell him-!!"-Indo
" oh gm mal!"-Phil
" ayie~"-japan
"Shut it up japan!"-Indo
" ok Mr. Cold hearted~"-japan
"What his going on here? Why are they smirking at me?"-Mal
" n-nothing important!"-Indo

343 word.... Oh wow... I'm tired rn so TBC...

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